Sensitive livestock sectors demanding the EU to defend their livelihoods against the risk of TTIP
Ask to follow the example of the free trade agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU. An agreement without considering the Community regulatory model would cause a chronic crisis similar to the size of the dairy sector.

Against the excesses, this Christmas fruit and vegetables
"5 al día" recuerda que disfrutar de la buena comida no está reñido con una alimentación saludable, ya que la salud es el mejor regalo que podemos hacernos estas Navidades. Los postres a base de frutas tropicales o las guarniciones con hortalizas frescas darán un toque de distinción a nuestra mesa sin los excesos típicos de estas comidas.

SPACE will have a new CEO
Anne Marie Quemener was appointed Commissioner General of SPACE, and shall hold office from 1 January 2016. Graduated from the IPLV (Training Institute of Modern Languages) of Angers and the ESC (Business School) of Rennes in France, Anne Marie Quemener collaborates with SPACE since 1993.

Chilean fruit in Europe began promoting a campaign in the English Court
The Chilean ambassador to Spain, Francisco Marambio, officially opened a new promotional campaign that is starring cherries, blueberries, peaches and nectarines from Chile. The celebration took place in the English Court of Castellana, in Madrid, and was attended by representatives of ProChile; the Fruit Exporters Association of Chile AG (Asoex) and importers in the field.

IICA promote high-level dialogue between agriculture and the environment
Identify synergies and build concrete actions between agriculture and the environment to meet the challenges of adaptation and mitigation of climate change, was what allowed high-level dialogue organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) together with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

Cassava: a development alternative for small agribusiness
A meeting supported by IICA, the European Union and the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation of Colombia allowed technicians linked to the promotion of this crop marketing other ways that could strengthen markets.

The world sugar prices maintained their slight recovery
The raw sugar futures market in New York climbed 18 December almost four percent, supported by increased cash purchases of that product, traders said. This result confirms the recovery in prices began in late August. The gap between demand lower production to consumption in the current season and the slight strengthening of the Brazilian real exchange rate against the US dollar They are the main causes, but the Rabobank report warns that the recovery is vulnerable to a possible currency devaluation in Brazil. Uncertainty also focuses on the negative impact of the weather in producing areas in the world.

Salimat 2016 on the way to professionalisation
The International Fair of Galicia Abanca and Food Cluster of Galicia (Clusaga), represented by the director of the first, Ricardo Duran, and the second manager, Roberto Alonso, signed an agreement whereby both entities seek to influence yesterday professionalization of the twenty-Atlantic Food Show, Salimat 2016 and boost its International Meetings of Buyers. The fair will be held on the premises from 9 to 12 June.

Prepare the olive grove for a good harvest according to Bayer
Keep clean the grove of weeds is an essential task to ensure a healthy tree and land in optimal growing conditions. At this time, it is essential to prepare the olive farms for next season. One of the main concerns of the Spanish farmer now is to control weeds that threaten their productions. Bayer is next to the farmer to provide the solutions you need at all times.

ICEX in the USA gourmet mecca
West Coast American country will target of eight Spanish companies which are going to know the characteristics of the market for gourmet products. ICEX Spain Export and Investment organized the tour of shops and supermarkets in this niche business of food and fair Winter Fancy Food Show, which runs from 15 to 17 January visit.