The constant rise in costs adds difficulty for companies to import/export
Opinion Review by Álvaro Partida Lopez, Deputy Director Commercial…

Macro-farms and the agricultural future
Macro-farms are currently a symbol of tension, not only between…

An agricultural roadmap narrowed down to the essentials
"This is a time for Europe", this is how the program of the French…

A threat to the welfare of humans and domestic animals in rural area
The issue of large carnivores and the damage they inflict upon…

Siete Agromarketing, seven years of success!
Siete Agromarketing turns SEVEN years in 2022 and we can not…

Portugal, probably the best country for olive growing
By Juan Vilar Consultores Estratégicos
Portugal is one of…

Not all concentration models are valid
Francisco Sánchez, manager of Onubafruit reflects on business…

Global, local and comprehensive
Opinion article by Francisco Sánchez, manager of Onubafruit.

The Value of European Agriculture
Statement by Juan Marín, President of the European Fruit and Vegetable Association (FruitVegetablesEUROPE) on the global crisis produced by COVID-19.

2020, International Year of Plant Health
On December 2, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) officially presented 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health.