Internationalization, the great challenge of the Spanish ham industry
Boosting the number of industries authorized to export to third countries, in a clear commitment to the internationalization of their activity, is one of the main challenges facing the sector of the ham industry, according to the meeting held in mid Of November by the Working Group of Ham Companies of the National Association of the Meat Industries of Spain (ANICE), which groups manufacturing companies from all over Spain. A meeting that served to analyze the situation of the sector and advance in the resolution of the main challenges that this industrial group must face.

A bank of Catalan olive varieties with more than 50 references
Since 1988, the Catalan Generalitat's Institute for Research and Agro-Food Technologies (IRTA) has been working on the conservation of the genetic resources of the Catalan olive grove, consolidating, up today, a collection that registers more than 50 varieties and occupies a Surface of 0.6 ha. in its center of Mas de Bover, in Constantí (Tarragona).

Spain, leader in Europe on ecological crops
As can be seen from the statistical data on organic agriculture and livestock for 2015 and published last November by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), our country is the first Member State of the European Union in the area of organic crops, which has doubled in the last ten years.

Joan Mir: “innovation is the differentiating element that makes companies excellent”
The cooperative group Anecoop has been commemorating, throughout 2016, 40 years of growth, evolution and commercial expansion, thanks to its constant commitment to innovation and the adaptation to the needs of the consumer, making quality and food safety, the respect for the environment, social economy and the promotion of healthy eating, its main distinguishing features. From this and many other issues, we spoke at ECA with its director general, Joan Mir.

The Protocol of Ecuador’s Accession to the Trade Agreement with the EU, effective as of January 1st, 2017
Ecuador will start 2o17 with the entry into force of its Protocol of Accession to the Multiparty Trade Agreement with the EU that, on 20th December, ratified its National Assembly. A bilateral treaty that will open the door to a market of 514 million people, in 28 European countries, from January 1st next year.

You can already see the video of Seven Agromarketing on commercial perspectives of olive oil in the US and Mexico
Seven Agromarketing puts at your disposal the Video about the commercial prospects of Olive Oil in the US and Mexican markets. The same has been done after the celebration last November of the second Tertulia Business Agro 'HABLAMOS?: Olive Oil, US and Mexico markets . It contains the main conclusions obtained during its celebration.

The 38th Combined Agricultural Insurance Plan was approved, with more than € 200M
The Council of Ministers recently approved the 38th Plan Combined Agricultural Insurance, with a budget amounting to 211.27 M €, thus consolidating the 6% increase recorded in the General State Budget for 2016.

Ecuadorian mango seduces Chinese and US markets
In order to promote the marketing of mango in the People's Republic of China, the commercial office of PRO ECUADOR in Shanghai has been carrying out an intense campaign to promote this product, which led to the release of this exotic fruit last November. 87,700 people. This was possible thanks to the cooperation of the Mango Ecuador Foundation and the e-commerce platforms Tmall.com and Yiguo.com, which registered a total of 1,226 purchase orders.

The last storm causes losses of more than 170M € in the Valencian agrarian sector
The last torrential rains that have struck the Valencian Community have caused very serious damages to the agricultural sector, as they have denounced the agrarian organizations AVA-ASAJA and LA UNIÓ DE LLAURADORS I RAMADERS, that quantify the damages caused in agricultural infrastructures and crops (mainly of persimmon, citrus, table grapes and olive groves), in costs above 100 million euros.

Yara iberian starts 2017 with Elena Montero as new general manager for Spain and Portugal
Starting on January 1st, 2017, Elena Montero will be appointed as the new general director of Yara Iberian, replacing Mónica Andrés, who will lead the Business Unit Asia within the Yara International team.