AFRUEX impulsa la comunidad frutícola extremeña con una app personalizada
AFRUEX, the Association of Fruit Growers of Extremadura, has integrated a custom app made with the FileMaker Platform that has allowed them to unify in a single point the 55 associated companies, improve the internal documentation and e-mail campaigns, and above all improve the management of the certification of the guarantee brand CiEx - Plum of Extremadura.

The Minister of Agriculture highlights the good harmony between the fair Sant Miquel and Eurofruit
The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development has opened the call to apply for aid to improve the production and marketing of bee products for this year. The initial budget for this campaign amounts to 2.37 million euros, pending the final allocation that will be approved by Sectorial Conference.

Bridgestone presents its new premium agricultural tire VX-TRACTOR
Bridgestone, the world leader in the manufacture of tires and other rubber products, has presented its new agricultural tire in the premium segment, the VX-TRACTOR, at the New Holland campus located in Peñarrubias de Pirón (Segovia), with a series of field tests. It is a new product that offers more rubber in the bars, more traction and duration.

The export of Spanish olive oil has tripled since 2000
The export of Spanish olive oil has experienced an upward trend in the last 17 years, going from 400,000 tons in 2000 to more than 922,000 tons exported in 2017, both bulk and packaged. If we take into account, only the oils packed in what we have been in the 21st century have tripled, which implies an increase of 278%.

Broccoli can help you lose weight at the beginning of autumn because of its low calorie content
After the food excesses committed during the summer and with the arrival of autumn, the broccoli becomes an ideal food to help lose weight and recover the figure, thanks to its low calorie content and its contribution in fiber, beneficial to reduce the Appetite and contribute to satiety.

Iberian hams from Spain and the EU will present ‘Ham PassionTour’ and the ‘Road Show’ in 24 European cities
Iberian hams from Spain and the European Union will present next Wednesday, October 3, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the international campaign to promote Ibérico Ham, "Ham Passion Tour", a promotion and information program of this gourmet product, star of the Mediterranean diet.

Adama consolidates its commitment to the cultivation of cotton
One more year Adama participates in ExpoAlgodón to show the good results of Ordago® SC + Cottonex® 50 for the control of weeds, as well as the solution Lebron® 0.5G for the control of soil insects.

Bruñó presents its Melon Eco at Fruit Attraction
Bruñó will present the Melon Bruñó Eco Melon at the next Fruit Attraction fair in Madrid, a more sustainable variety for lovers of ecology. With an original stand of "La Melonería", the assistants will be able to know at first hand his last innovative bet, with which he has wanted to recover the traditional flavors.

Sapec Agro presents its wide range of phytosanitary and nutritional solutions for cereal in a Strategic Conference
The company of phytosanitary and nutritional solutions for the protection of crops, Sapec Agro, has presented its wide range of phytosanitary solutions behind which there is an intense process of innovation and development that during the last year has led to more than 13 new products, both in the nutritional field as for the protection of crops.

Meat Atracttion closes its second edition highlighting the importance of internationalization
'Meat Attraction', the second edition of the Fair of the Meat Sector organized jointly by IFEMA and the National Association of Meat Industries of Spain (ANICE), has closed its second edition with a prevailing international presence in the sector.