Nadarcott is safety, modernity and profitability
As every year, the General Meeting of Members of the Protected…

The agri-food sector advances towards the construction of an egalitarian rural world
The agri-food sector has joined in the V National Business Agro…

The new CAP more fairer, greener and flexible
The provisional political agreement reached today by the European…

Topcon Agriculture announces new guidance receivers and correction services tailorable for any farming operation
Topcon Agriculture announces new manual guidance and autosteering…

Research is essential for smart and sustainable growth in the F&V sector
The international workshop: the “European Conference on Research…

AgroFresh Announces Global Licensing Agreement with Know Hub
AgroFresh Solutions, Inc., a global leader in produce freshness…

8 th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture held in Switzerland
During the days 21st 25th June, the 8th World Congress on Conservation…

Macfrut 2021 presents: Italian Berry Day
The universe of berries comes to Macfrut (from September 7 to…

A special and successful virtual event for the potato sector
On 10 June the European potato community virtually gathered for…

“The new potato campaign is going well; the consumer is interested in the national product “
Interview with Alfonso Sáenz de Cámara, manager of Udapa who…