The modernization of irrigation, key to the future of agriculture
Minister Luis Planas considers it necessary to bet on new technologies,…

Bayer, the company that whispers tomatoes
On the occasion of the celebration of its 120th anniversary, Bayer has opened the doors of its Cellular Biology Research Center of San Nicolás (Almería), specialized among other horticultural crops, in tomato.

Carbonero, the new commitment of Fitó in the tomato market
Fitó has just presented its variety Carbonero, a green-necked tomato with exceptional flavor and excellent fruit quality.

Rafael Guitián, new corporate financial director of Planasa
Guitián Fernández de Córdoba will be part of the executive committee of the Planasa group.

Jorge Brotons begins his third term as president of FEPEX
The FEPEX Assembly has re-elected Jorge Brotons as president for the third time in a row, and approves the 2019 Plan of Action.

Spain defends the need to know budgets before reforming the CAP
Planas has indicated that the elaboration of the regulations should not be concluded before knowing the figures of the budget that will count farmers, ranchers and the rural environment.

Bayer strengthens its leadership with the acquisition of Monsanto
Bayer has opened the doors of its Cellular Biology Research Center in San Nicolás (Almería).

Chile: Export growth of cherries and cranberries continues
The Chilean fresh fruit registered shipments for USD 1,800 million in the first two months of the year.

Grupo Alimentario Citrus acquires two new IV range companies in Europe
This new operation responds to the growth and internationalization strategy initiated by GAC in 2015 and joins the purchase of the German company Thurländer carried out by the group last October.

The Consultative Council of Agriculture analyzes the community work in relation to the regulations of the future PAC
The Agricultural Policy Advisory Council has analyzed the points to be discussed in the EU Council of Agriculture Ministers next week in Brussels.