Olive oil: new world producers appear strongly
There was a time when the production of olive oil was limited to a few Mediterranean countries. And while the world regions continue to be with a greater production, over the years new producers have been incorporated as the olive juice has been known throughout the world.

Fitó will have the leading technology from Micropep Technologies to research on plant genetic improvement
Seeds Fitó and Micropep Technologies have recently joined forces to collaborate in researching horticultural crops through innovative technologies.

Fecoam bets on new management systems to improve agricultural competitiveness
The Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of the Region of Murcia (Fecoam) participates in a European project under the name of 'Social Innovation in land management (INNOLAND)', whose objective is to develop new agricultural management systems that increase competitiveness and avoid the abandonment of arable land. This initiative is part of the National Rural Development Program, financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

DOP Sierra Mágina, an Extra Virgin unrepeatable
In the Sierra Mágina mountain range, in the south-central zone of the province of Jaén, a unique extra virgin olive oil is produced from the 61,000 hectares of olive groves protected by the Protected Denomination of Origin Sierra Mágina.

Francisco Martínez Arroyo: “in the debate of the CAP it is necessary to focus the consumers”
Francisco Martínez Arroyo, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development of Castilla-La Mancha reviews in this interview for ECA AGRI the most important issues of his two years of management. These include the Department's commitment to generational change, greater visibility of women in agriculture, and cooperative projects, not to mention rural development and environmental policies.

Spanish olive oil expands around the world
Olive oil 'made in Spain' does not need presentation. Just look at the lists of the best oils in the world, covered by Spanish brands, to realize that we are the true reference worldwide. The green gold produced in our country continues to cross borders and is known in every corner of the planet. Not in vain, exports continue to grow and each campaign closes with record numbers. The traditional shipments to European countries have been adding forcefully in recent years sales to markets with huge potential such as China, the United States and Australia, as well as Brazil, Mexico, Japan or Russia, among others.

Proexport to Host Fruit Attraction Conference on Lettuce
The Association of Producers-Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables of the Region of Murcia (Proexport) will celebrate on 18th October, in the framework of Fruit Attraction 2017, an event to be held from 18th to 20th October in Madrid, a conference on Lettuce, with the participation of the most important producers of this leafy vegetable worldwide.

The Interprofessional and the Wine Regulatory Councils will coordinate their activity through a joint committee
The Spanish Wine Interprofessional (OIVE) and the Spanish Conference of Wine Regulatory Councils (CECRV) have agreed to set up a joint committee composed of representatives of both organizations, which will deal with issues related to appellations of origin of the aims and objectives of the Interprofessional Organization.

Carbotecnia undertakes this summer expansion works of its factory that will triple its production
The expansion works of the Carbotecnia factory, which have been developing since July, will allow the company to triple its production. An increase, which responds to the growth that the firm is experiencing, whose good results from its tests and trials in different crops are allowing it to expand throughout the world.

Florette innovates its integral management system, with the software technology Hispatec
During the past year, Florette, the national leader in fresh packaged vegetables and salads, has successfully implemented an innovative internal management system, fully operational today, to improve the management of agricultural production, logistics and control generated by its business activity. In the implementation process, Florette has had the collaboration of Hispatec, a leading specialist in management software solutions for the Agro sector.