The AOVE of the DO Sierra de Segura exhibits its qualities
During a trip organized for the national press, on November 15th and 16th, the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin Sierra de Segura has had the opportunity to exhibit the benefits and peculiarities of its natural juice of olive and show the process of elaboration of this Extra Virgin Olive Oil (AOVE), together with a privileged natural landscape, the Sierra de Segura, and its tourist and gastronomic possibilities.

The IRTA Porcine Database serves the Colombian producer sector
The BDporc, the Porcine Database of the Institute of Research and Technology Agro-food (IRTA) of the Catalan Autonomous Government, will serve the Colombian pork industry, according to the agreement signed by the Executive President of the Colombian Association of Porcult Farmers PORKCOLOMBIA), Carlos Alberto Maya Calle, and the general director of IRTA, Josep M. Monfort.

The strawberry loses ground in the 2016/17 campaign against the rest of berries
Strawberry cultivation is down 7%, compared to the rest of berries (blueberries, raspberries and blackberries), which will increase by 22% for the 2016/17 season, according to data provided by the Onubense Association of Producers and Exporters of Strawberry (Freshuelva).

Spain: exports of fresh fruit and vegetables up 5% in value until September
The Spanish export of fresh fruits and vegetables in the first nine months of the year grew by 4.85% over the same period last year, reaching 9,093 million euros, despite having decreased in volume by 3.06%, reaching 8.9 million tonnes, according to data updated up to September, from the General Directorate of Customs and processed by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Producers Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables (FEPEX).

Does the wine have to pay the adjustment of the 5,000 million euros that Europe requires to Spain?
Opinion article from the sectoral spokesman for the wine of Castilla-La Mancha's Agro-food Cooperatives, Juan Fuente, on the impact that the new fiscal pressure would have on the wine sector.

Antonio Luque, award-winning entrepreneur of the year by US firm EY
Antonio Luque, president of the Andalusian agro-food cooperative Dcoop has been distinguished by the US firm EY with the Entrepreneur 2016 Award, in an event celebrated on November 23th in Seville and which was attended by Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido, and the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Junta de Andalucía, Carmen Ortiz.

Ecuador joins EU trade agreement with Colombia and Peru
Ecuador has recently joined the free trade agreement of the European Union with Colombia and Peru, with the signing of a Protocol of Accession initialed by European Commissioner Cecilia Malmström.

Trends and consumption of the international market of olive oil
ECA interview with Abdellatif Ghedira, Executive Director of the International Olive Oil Council (IOC) on the evolution and trends of the olive oil market.

Chen Yuming: “Without a Free Trade Agreement, Spanish products are at a disadvantage”
Chen Yuming is the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of the R.P. China in Spain. We talked to him about trade policies between China and Spain, business opportunities, and the positioning of agri-food products in the Chinese market. A market that demands foreign products of quality, but in which they take the lead those that are endorsed by Free Trade Agreements.

The 14th Symposium on Plant Protection advocates adapting effectively and efficiently to a new era of change
On 21th November has been presented, in the headquarters of the Andalusian Regional Council of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development (CAPDER), the 14th edition of the Symposium on Plant Protection which will take place on 25th, 26th and 27th of January of 2017 in Seville. Under the motto "Towards Change", this event aims to offer the keys to adapt efficiently and effectively to the new scenario of agri-food production, marked by rigid community regulations regarding phytosanitary issues and new challenges and strategies derived from climate change.