CVVP, committed to agriculture and plant variety innovation
Trusting in CVVP to manage your plant variety, gives you the opportunity to be part of a consolidated community of plant breeders and experts, who are united and have one common goal: to be successful when it comes to managing their plant varieties.

Loyant®, a new herbicide against rice weeds
This innovative solution by Corteva Agriscience ™ for rice cultivation stands out for its wide spectrum of action and its high flexibility of use.

Europe’s goal: stop biodiversity loss and create a healthy and sustainable food system
Both strategies are in line with the European Green Pact, with ambitious actions and commitments by the EU.

SIPCAM copes with the coronavirus with its CSR actions
SIPCAM has collaborated with associations such as AEPLA and AEFA to put their grain of sand in the battle against Covid-19.

Direct seeders, innovation and leadership for the Sembradoras GIL
The company GIL is the leader in Spain in the sale of direct sowing drills: the key to its success lies in the versatility of all its machinery, adapting to different types of soil and seeds and the proximity and direct service to farmers.

We are pioneers in the management of protected varieties and in constant evolution”
Currently CVVP manages seven protected varieties, doing essential work for breeders and licensees.

The flavor regains its prominence with the new varieties of stone fruit
Viveros Hernandorena opens the doors of its Experimentation Center to show the varieties of PSB, where flavor is the protagonist.

Commission adopts package of measures to further support the agri-food sector
The Commission published today the latest package of exceptional measures to further support the agricultural and food sectors most affected by the coronavirus crisis.

AlgaEnergy Hires National Leadership for the United States and Mexico
AlgaEnergy adds two new additions to its international team to lead its business in the United States and Mexico.

Lower volume of stone fruit throughout Europe
Forecasts indicate that Europe will not reach the optimal production potential in any of the areas of the producing countries.