European Green Deal: Commission presents actions to boost organic productio
The Commission presented an Action Plan for the development of…

EnerPlus®: life for the ground, optimized nutrition in raspberry
Daymsa's new biofertilizer achieves up to 12% increase in raspberry…

Frosts and storms delay the green asparagus campaign
The green asparagus campaign has been delayed for 15 days this…

Kubota announces that it will not participate at FIMA 2022
On 29th March 2021, the DLG (German Agricultural Society), which…

FRUIT LOGISTICA presents European Statistics Handbook 2021
Fourth edition of European Statistics Handbook highlights the…

The III Women Agro Awards make visible the work towards equality in Andalusia, Aragon, the Balearic Islands, Galicia and Valencia
Siete Agromarketing and eComercio Agrario, promoter of the project,…