
The unstoppable progress of organic farming
We still wonder if the consumption of organic products in Spain is a fad or a reality to which we must get used to. The certain thing is that the bet of the distribution is every day firmer in this line, also of the primary link, while the consumer still demands changes to feel satisfied.

Pep Nogué inaugurates the collection season of the IGP Poma de Girona
The harvest of the first apple of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Poma de Girona was inaugurated this Monday, August 20. Pep Nogué chef and food promoter has been the godfather of a symbolic act that took place at the Mas Badia Foundation in Canet de la Tallada and that has served to mark the beginning of the harvest season.

The US confirms the tariffs and Asemesa asks the EU to take the case to the WTO
The US International Trade Commission (USITC) has formally published its final resolution regarding the impact of imports of black olive from Spain on the California producing sector. As it happened in the preliminary ruling of early August of last year, the USITC has affirmatively decided to conclude that imports of Spanish laws cause harm in that sector.

The Spanish harvest of cereal will rise 45% in 2018, according to the cooperatives
The sectoral council of Cereals of Agro-alimentary Cooperatives of Spain has realized this week a first estimation of the harvest of cereals of 22,5 million tonnes, what supposes a 45,4% more with regard to the past campaign.

UPA denounces an increase of 525% of the price of cranberry between the point of origin and the consumer
UPA has denounced the "scandalous" difference between the price they pay for blueberries and consumers and the price farmers pay for producing them. This new complaint comes precisely at a time when the sector is making great efforts to promote the consumption of this product. It is not the first time that the organization of producers publicly warns of this fact, but UPA regret that their complaints "have never been taken into account."

USA: Asemesa warns that the investigation against the Spanish olive question the EU aid system
The Association of Exporters and Industrialists of Table Olives (ASEMESA) warns that the investigation of the Department of Commerce of the United States against the black olive of Spanish table question the system of aid of the European Union, and could have far-reaching consequences for all the agricultural sector of the EU.

US punishes with tariffs the Spanish export of table olives
The latest measure by the Donald Trump government to protect its agro-food productions to the detriment of international trade has been a severe blow to the Spanish table olive sector, whose exports will be taxed with a tariff. The first reactions to a measure that had been brewing since this summer, when Californian olive-table companies filed a complaint against the Spanish olive, accusing it of unfair competition, have not been delayed. Thus, the Union of Small Farmers and Cattle Ranchers (UPA) urges the EU to express itself immediately and forcefully against this "illegal and unjust" tariff, which will represent a commercial barrier of between 2 and 7%.

Deoleo and UPA join forces to ensure quality and traceability in olive oil
Deoleo and the Union of Small Farmers and Cattle Ranchers (UPA) have signed an agreement with the purpose of reinforcing the quality and traceability in the olive oil sector, identifying all the stages of its elaboration, "from the field to the table" . This alliance is the first step to achieve a series of objectives that revert to benefits for the entire sector.

UPA values this harvest negatively, both in production and prices
The agricultural organization UPA has made a negative balance, both in production and in prices, of the current harvest, once this has become widespread throughout the national territory. Thus, and according to their calculations, the production of grapes has decreased by 20% as a result of bad climatology, a decline that in some territories has reached 60%. Although this bad situation is also suffered by other European competitors, in Spain winegrowers also have to deal with low prices. For this reason, the UPA has asked the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA) to intensify controls of compliance with the Law of the food chain.