The III Women Agro Awards make visible the work towards equality in Andalusia, Aragon, the Balearic Islands, Galicia and Valencia
Siete Agromarketing and eComercio Agrario, promoter of the project,…
The agri-food sector meets in Mercamadrid at the III AGRO Women Awards
Next Tuesday, 13 of april, the delivery of the III AGRO Women…
GWF launches women in produce awards
Global Women Fresh (GWF), the international network for women…
Women´s Forum is born, a space to advance leadership and balance in the agri-food sector
Organized by Fruit Attraction and Siete Agromarketing, two virtual…
Biofruitnet improves crop protection methods
The BIOFRUITNET project aims to connect professionals in the organic fruit sector across Europe and make these effective crop protection methods available to everyone.
The rural labor market: the six inequalities that rural women suffer
Fademur wants “everyone to understand why rural women suffer double discrimination: one for women, one for rural.
Delivered the II Women Agro Awards
Blanca Torrent, Grupo Carinsa, Greencobi, Eloy Requena and Úrsula Sánchez strengthen their visibility and empowerment with the II Women Agro Awards.
Cajamar, Onubafruit, Compo Expert and MSD Animal Health, companies for the equality of Agro Women
Siete Agromarketig y eComercio Agrario harán entrega de los II Premios Mujer Agro el próximo día 29 de enero en Madrid, en un evento patrocinado por Cajamar, Onubafruit, Compo Expert y MSD Animal Health.
Professionalization and empowerment, the winners of the Women AGRO Awards 2019
The name of the people and companies awarded will be made public at the awards ceremony, on January 23.
Towards a cross-cutting approach to Organic Agriculture
The Cuadernillo de la Tertulia BusinessAGRO Marketing and Profitability in Organic Agriculture, held on July 3, in Carlet (Valencia) is now available in digital and downloadable PDF version.