
EU Parliament tears apart the ambition to reduce pesticides in Europe
A majority of the European Parliament rejected the Commission…

FAECA Granada is committed to the promotion and creation of an Interprofesional of green asparagus
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de Granada has met with the territorial delegate of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development in Granada, Manuel García and the vice president of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, Clara Aguilera, at the headquarters of the provincial Federation , to analyze the situation of asparagus cultivation and propose possible lines of action that support this strategic sector for the province of Granada.

UNIÓ denounces the first cases of poisoning of bees by pesticides
LA UNIÓ de Llauradors has recently denounced the first cases of poisoning of bees that have been detected this year, as a result of the use of pesticides in the flowering of fruit trees, which is usually given from these dates. Thus, in the town of Cheste (Hoya de Buñol), a beekeeper has seen most of his dead bees and beehives practically without activity, which he had installed in a settlement very close to a fruit plantation. He has filed the corresponding complaint with the Civil Guard Barracks of this town of La Hoya de Buñol and now it is the Seprona who investigates the event.

ADAMA launches an app that offers phytosanitary assistance to the farmer
ADAMA Agriculture Spain has launched the new FitoAid app to help farmers choose the best solution to deal with different pests and weeds in crops. A plant health management, in the palm of the hand, according to the current times and available for IOS and Android systems. It includes a mixing assistant and different cultivation guides to make the correct phytosanitary management easier.

Montosa opens a laboratory for multiresidue analysis
In order to accommodate to a market that is strengthening the technical standards for agricultural waste every passing day, Montosa has recently opened its own multiresidue analysis laboratory. The intent behind this is to achieve the best guarantee in managing compounds that could be harmful for both the environment and the consumers' health.

AVA-ASAJA warns of serious damage to the rice crop if the EU bans tricyclazole
The Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA) has urged the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA) to firmly defend the maintenance of Tricyclazole, the most effective way to combat the fungus Pyricularia wreaking havoc in the paddies product and whose future will debate the EU shortly. The Valencian Association warns of serious harm if eventually it is decided to prohibit their use.

Innovation space unprecedented in the field of agrarian organizations european
"Committed to our land" is the slogan raised by the Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA) and the principle underlying its most ambitious project, the Experimental Farm 'Sinyent' in which, through an agreement with the Business Association for Plant Protection (AEPLA), it has been experiencing since its inception in 2011, to produce more and better foods.

Europe grants a temporary extension of the use of glyphosate
The European Commission has announced on Wednesday 29th, in a press release, the decision to extend the authorization of the use of glyphosate for a period of 18 months. Thus, the controversial herbicide may be used until the end of 2017, despite resistance from some EU member countries.

Peru exports fresh asparagus and blueberries to the US without fumigation requirement
From May 10th, 2016, Peru can now exports to the United States asparagus and fresh blueberries without the requirement fumigation required for these crops, as a result of the meetings held by the Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation of Peru, Juan Manuel Benites with undersecretary of Agriculture of this country, Ed Avalos. It has also been managed the access to the US market, with 320 million consumers, of new products such as tomato, cherimoya and aguaymanto.

Greencorp: leadership in biotechnology in northern Mexico
The Saltillo´s company celebretes their tenth anniversary with the announcement of new development programs for global agriculture. In just one decade they have created their own technology, through the use of natural and semi-desert biotic resources to develop cutting-edge products useful for organic and traditional agriculture.