
Portugal, probably the best country for olive growing
By Juan Vilar Consultores Estratégicos
Portugal is one of…

The Spanish olive sector exports oil and machinery
Spanish olive oil belongs to a sector that is at the heart of the economy, culture, cuisine and the global image of Spain.

Higher prices at the start of the table olive campaign
The drought and the olive grove diminish the harvest of table olives, which will be the shortest of the last decade with only 487,000 tons.

The EC examines the proposal for self-regulation of olive oil
After weeks of intense work, developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain defended this Thursday in Brussels the proposal of self-regulation of the olive oil sector before the Directorates General of Agriculture and Competition of The European Commission

Olidetec, the new alert system and geolocation of crop thefts allows you to control it from your mobile
Can you imagine being able to control your crops from the mobile? Today it is a real thanks to Olidetec, a geolocation device that alerts the owner of the crops of the thefts and allows to geolocalize the fruits.

The fall of exports of black olives from Spain to the USA is aggravated
Spanish exports of black olives to the US fell by 72% in August-September, the first two months of application of the final tariffs imposed on imports from Spain, amounting to 35%, according to data from the US Department of Customs.
Pro Event Calendar

SITEVI celebrará en Montpellier feria para todos los profesionales…

World Olive 2025
La World Olive Oil Exhibition se erige como la principal feria…

Olio Capitale 2025
Olio Capitale la 17ª edición del salón del aceite de oliva…

Feria del Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra…