
UPA values this harvest negatively, both in production and prices
The agricultural organization UPA has made a negative balance, both in production and in prices, of the current harvest, once this has become widespread throughout the national territory. Thus, and according to their calculations, the production of grapes has decreased by 20% as a result of bad climatology, a decline that in some territories has reached 60%. Although this bad situation is also suffered by other European competitors, in Spain winegrowers also have to deal with low prices. For this reason, the UPA has asked the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA) to intensify controls of compliance with the Law of the food chain.

Seed, only essential factor for the crop production
The plant breeder industry invests around 20% of its turnover in R & D. Get a new variety involves an investment of up to 3 million euros. Industrial property protection means the results of the work of breeders, thus sustaining improvement programs and development of varieties.

Snack tomato, the fastest growing market
Snack tomato varieties are already a third of the volume of total consumption of tomato in some EU countries. It is the type of tomato that has evolved in recent years. Currently accounts for between 10 and 30% of the total market tomato in markets like the British or German.

“Value chains in a global market, in search of excellence”
Authorities of the European Parliament, the MAGRAMA and regions and representatives of farmers, the food industry and distribution have placed the focus of the debate on agricultural policy and innovation in the consumer, during the course of the last conference "Agrícola Café" of year, sponsored by BBVA, ENESA and Massey Ferguson. The other attractions of the meeting has resulted in the analysis of the CAP from the perspective of consumption, shows different cases of success in the agrifood value chain and call for all actors have forged a consensus to develop the code good business practices. The day was moderated by the journalist César Marcos Cabañas.

Spain: The Commercial Code of Good Practice is already a reality
Representatives of farmers, cooperatives, agribusiness and marketing have signed the non-binding code that sets out the principles upon which must be based trade relations and business practices in the food chain in Spain.

“Feeding the World”: Produce more with fewer resources
The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture hosted the celebration of…