
China opens its borders to the Argentine blueberry
After five years of negotiations, the Argentine government has gained access to the Chinese market of the national production of blueberries. However, given that the blueberry season in the Andean country has already ended, its exports of this red fruit to China will begin next season, in August 2018.

The Chilean exports of blueberries of this campaign account for around 46,000 tons
The 2017/18 campaign of blueberries from Chile, is already 45% complete and has been characterized by favorable weather conditions. To date, Chilean exports of this red fruit are close to 46,000 tons, registering the highest weekly dispatch in the history of this industry when, during week 51, 11,575 tons were shipped.

Greenvas launches a new line of pots for hydroponic cultivation
Greenvass has presented its new line of pots for the hydroponic cultivation of different seeds, including red fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and gooseberries. The new pots of 10, 18 and 25 liters have the optimum volume and dimensions for the cultivation of these fruits, so the process of a perfect crop can be further optimized.

Chile: India opens doors to its exports of fresh avocados and blueberries
From next season, Chile will be able to export avocados and fresh blueberries to India, after recently closing an agreement with the authorities of this country, in very advantageous conditions. An achievement achieved in the context of a public-private visit to India, headed by Undersecretary of Agriculture, Claudio Ternicier.

Freshuelva “harvest” an excellent reception in its promotional campaign of the internal consumption of berries
The National Association of Strawberry Producers and Exporters of Huelva, Freshuelva, an association integrated in FEPEX, is carrying out a campaign to boost the national consumption of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries of the province, in large areas of Madrid and Barcelona, which is having a great acceptance between the users and consumers.

Chile: First exports of nectarines reach the Chinese market
On February 4th, the authorities of the People's Republic of China confirmed that the country has access to nectarines from Chile, a long awaited news from this South American country, whose materialization has been possible thanks to the joint work of the sector Public and private.

Peru: The fruit and vegetable sector generates in Fruit Logística 200 million dollars in business
The Peruvian companies participating in the last edition of Fruit Logística have settled their participation in this important international fair of the sector hortofrutícola, closing businesses for a global value of 200 million dollars. For the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Eduardo Ferreyros, this is a "record figure", having exceeded by 32% the initial expectations.

The strawberry loses ground in the 2016/17 campaign against the rest of berries
Strawberry cultivation is down 7%, compared to the rest of berries (blueberries, raspberries and blackberries), which will increase by 22% for the 2016/17 season, according to data provided by the Onubense Association of Producers and Exporters of Strawberry (Freshuelva).

Cuna de Platero prioritizes the sustainability of its productions
Cuna de Platero cooperative bases its current business management in model lines of strategic action that revolve around the R & D and production of increasingly sustainable fruit. Another of their bets is a global offering of berries, and actions that affect add value to the environment, with initiatives of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), among others.
Pro Event Calendar

III International Congress of Red Fruits. Huelva
The Conference Center of Casa Colón de Huelva will host from June 21 to 22 the Third International Congress of Red Fruits, organized by Freshuelva, as an association that brings together the largest percentage of producers and exporters of red fruits and companies with more dimension and Activity within this sector and in charge of preparing the content proposal of the same. An event that will meet the representatives of the red fruit sector, the companies that make up the production and commercialization of these crops, as well as those that provide services or distribute products of application and direct use in this activity.