Citrosol will showcase the latest and most sustainable post-harvest technology at its Fruit Attraction stand
Citrosol is dressed in green at the next edition of the Fruit Attration, which takes place from 18thth to 20 October in Madrid, to present three new post-harvest products at its stand: a new coating for the transport of long-distance citrus fruits with excellent characteristics : Citrusol Sunseal® UE; a new product for citrus rot control: CitroPyr®, and an innovative kits technology that is used to perform on-site waste analysis of treated fruit, treatment broths and additive waxes: Easy kit®.

Planasa, for the second consecutive year, in the ranking of the 1,000 companies that inspire Europe’s economic development
The London Stock Exchange Group (owner of the London Stock Exchange) has once again recognized Planasa, the European leader in the fruit and vegetable sector, as one of 'The 1000 Companies Who Inspire Europe'. This report recognizes companies that bill between 20 and 300 million euros and stand out for their ability to generate employment and for maintaining a steady growth in recent years.

The almond tree: a great opportunity for Spanish fruit growing
By Federico Dicenta and José Egea. Group of Genetic Improvement…

Fecoam bets on new management systems to improve agricultural competitiveness
The Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of the Region of Murcia (Fecoam) participates in a European project under the name of 'Social Innovation in land management (INNOLAND)', whose objective is to develop new agricultural management systems that increase competitiveness and avoid the abandonment of arable land. This initiative is part of the National Rural Development Program, financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

Florette innovates its integral management system, with the software technology Hispatec
During the past year, Florette, the national leader in fresh packaged vegetables and salads, has successfully implemented an innovative internal management system, fully operational today, to improve the management of agricultural production, logistics and control generated by its business activity. In the implementation process, Florette has had the collaboration of Hispatec, a leading specialist in management software solutions for the Agro sector.

Fertiberia celebrates its 19th prize for the best agricultural doctoral thesis
On Friday, July 27th, Fertiberia celebrated the XIX edition of its Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis on Agricultural Issues, in an event held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Enviroment and chaired by the Minister, Isabel García Tejerina. This award has been consolidated since its inception as one of the most prestigious in Europe and the best endowed economically. This year has highlighted the great number of papers presented, 32 theses from Spain and Portugal, as well as the scientific quality of the same.

Yara concentrates the best of its precision agriculture on its new platform MyYara
The firm Yara has taken a giant step in precision agriculture with the launch of MyYara, a digital platform in which all its precision farming tools are integrated and whose objective is to facilitate to the farmer the management of its crops and optimize the yield of the same.

The melon and the watermelon advance of the hand of the innovation
In the middle of the summer, like the one we are in, one of the most consumed products in Spanish homes is undoubtedly watermelon and melon. Far from past times in which the consumer had little to choose from, the sector is currently advancing in the development of new varieties increasingly adapted to the tastes and needs of the markets. And they do it in the hands of the main seed-breeding companies, which make available to the producers the best materials to achieve this.

Peru: Pro Olivo takes its achievements in technological innovation to the II Regional Forum of Economic Development
The Pro Olivo Association has shared in the II Regional Forum of Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean its successful experience with the Tenological Innovation Agenda for the technical and commercial development of the olive tree in the Tacna Region in Peru. Represented by its president, Luciana Biondi, Pro Olivo was selected by the international consultancy GIZ Peru to represent Peru in this representative forum, held at the end of June, in the Bolivian city of Tiquipaya.

Du Pont Pioneer sponsors the first European sunflower harvest in Seville
The early sowing technique, which Pioneer introduced 20 years ago in Spain in the cultivation of corn, together with the use of the Pioneer P64LC108 hybrid variety, has led to the first sunflower crop of this campaign to have taken place yesterday, 22th June, in the Sevillian town of La Campaña, Seville. A collection that is anticipated at least one month on the usual dates in Andalusia, one of the first areas of Europe to harvest.