Approved an end to trawling the cuttlefish in Chile
By 45 votes in favor, 3 against and 16 abstentions, has approved…

There is a long journey for laws protecting marine resources
Legislation to protect ocean areas beyond national borders dangerously…

The fisheries agreement between the EU and Mauritania not convince the Spanish fishing sector
The new fisheries protocol was signed in the capital of Mauritania,…

Spanish fishing industry supports the fight against cancer
The Muriel Angel Foundation has held the First Golf Tournament…

Spain increased by 14% in overall fishing fee
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Isabel García…

Spain gets 600 t additional quota of anchovy
Spain will have 600 additional tonnes of anchovy fishing quota…

There is a long journey for laws protecting marine resources
Legislation to protect ocean areas beyond national borders dangerously…

Brazil criticized the proposal in the WTO on GMOs in the EU
Many countries have criticized the proposal to authorize genetically…

Brazilian meat production will grow by 30.7% in the next 10 years
July 22, 2015
The Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil has…

Uruguay prepared a national strategic plan for the development of the sheep sector
The local Lanas Trinidad in the town of Flores has hosted a working…