Sustainable food habits against global warming
British researcher at the University of Oxford, Tara Garnett,…

TTIP EU-USA: positive impact on exports and employment in the food industry
The Secretary General of Agriculture and Food of Spain, Carlos…

The roe of Barbate, at the point of having their own geographic certification
The process began in 2012, when the association headed by Becerra began collecting the data necessary for the petition: "It's hard work, we must attend to the manufacturing process, but also to do historical research to document traditional linking mojama with Barbate".

Spain: Government proposes an agreement with the dairy sector to save production
The draft agreement promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture between…

Mexico, Peru and Brazil, great Latin American stars in Andalucia Sabor
Main importers and distributors of Latin America do not miss…

Consolida2 Plan for improving the internationalization of Spanish SMEs
It has already opened the deadline for submitting applications to participate in the ICEX Consolida2 Plan, aimed at supporting the consolidation and internationalization projects of SMEs with own brand outdoor Spanish except US markets, with specific aid plan .

Chile: exports of fresh fruit are growing in Asian markets
During the 2014-2015 campaign it has exported 15% more fresh…

Agritech Peru 2015 comes soon
The third edition will take place from 21 to 23 October in the Garden Nursery Jockey Club. There are invited Latin American and Peruvian companies to showcase the latest technology, machinery, irrigation and agricultural equipment. The 2015 edition will show its international vocation, as foreign exhibitors will occupy more than 50% of the display surface. Agritech organizing an influx of visitors expected around 6,000 visitors.

Marca España is reinforced by the new Law for the Defense of Food Quality
With the new law the government continues its objective of creating a legal context to help improve the competitiveness of the Spanish food industry and enhance trust in foodstuffs in all national and international markets. Marca España reinforces its prestige in a country with a clear export orientation.

The tuna industry collaboration requests administrations to preserve its access to raw materials
Between 7 and September 8, Vigo (Spain) hosted the VII World Tuna Conference. Here, industry representatives discussed the main challenges and issued a document of conclusions