Mexico and USA reinforce the cooperation on food safety
The cooperative work of the National Health Service, Food Safety and Quality (SENASICA) and the Food and Drug Administration US (FDA) have been proposed to achieve a deep and thorough understanding of each food safety systems.

InfoPAC: resolved doubts on line on the Common Agricultural Policy
The Spanish Government has launched the first digital service information on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). It is an initiative to facilitate consultation and resolution of doubts in real time farmers, ranchers and technical specialists. They are available is a mobile app and a Web site associated.

Agustin Herrero, new CEO of Agri-food Cooperatives of Spain
The rector of Agri-food Cooperatives Council of Spain appointed new CEO of Spanish Agri-food Cooperatives: Agustín Herrero. He is replacing Eduardo Baamonde, who has joined Cajamar.

Spain: The fisheries inspection is reinforced from the air
The Ministries of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Interior will collaborate on fisheries inspection activities. The Civil Guard operates two helicopters of the General Secretariat of Fisheries, designed specifically for the control, surveillance and fisheries inspection.

EU: the EESC wants to reduce the administrative burden on farmers
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) welcomes the fact that the European Commission has made it a priority to simplify common agricultural policy (CAP) implementation. Increased transparency and legal certainty must go hand in hand with the reduction of red tape for farmers, other beneficiaries, producer organisations and national administrations.

Colombia: The best coffee crop for nearly five-year period
In 2015 the Colombian coffee growers have obtained a record harvest for 23 years with 14.2 million bags of 60 kilos, according to his national federation. Colombian coffee exports continue to grow and over the past year increased by 16% compared with 2014.

Agricultural production in Peru will grow in 2016
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Peru (MINAGRI) published its growth projections for 2016, namely 3.4%. The sectoral growth outlook for the end of 2015 is 2.8%, explained by the behavior of livestock production that reached 5.5% and agricultural subsector which reached 1.0%, according to official data.

Héctor Echeverría: “Chile involves a great chance for Spanish companies to invest in the vegetable sector”
The executive director of the Foundation for Agrarian Innovation (FIA) recently visited Chile's major fruit and vegetable production areas of Spain to explain the opportunities in the Chilean agriculture to the most advanced agricultural enterprises. This institution, which is part of the Chilean Agriculture Ministry works with all components of innovation, both in the creation, management and adaptation of products and services that help improve the competitiveness of the agri-food and forestry sector. Héctor Echeverría says in this exclusive interview with Spain a large opened gate for development and investment opens vegetables, because Chile will become a major exporter of such agricultural products.

EU and Morocco in negotiations following the judgment annulling the bilateral trade agreement
The Court of Justice of the EU has annulled the decision of the European Council in March 2012 on the conclusion of an agreement to liberalize trade in agricultural and fishery products between the Veintiocho and Morocco. The only sentence in the part relating to the territory of Western Sahara Tribunal. According to that court, the EU did not check whether the exploitation of resources had an impact on the population of that territory.

Sustainable fisheries roots in the Mediterranean
Ecosafimed project between Tunisia, Italy and Spain achieved between promoting responsible and sustainable fishing sector for the conservation of marine ecosystems practices. After two years of scientific studies in close collaboration with fishermen, the main result of this program is the development of guidelines for the artisanal fleet in order to improve conservation of benthic communities in the Mediterranean.