Spanish exports of agricultural machinery grow in 2019
Spanish exports of agricultural machinery and components experienced a growth of 8.92% in the first nine months of the year compared to the same period of the previous year.

The BiG X is now driven with a joystick
Krone has introduced the first joystick-based driving system for its BiG X foragers in the 2019 Agritechnica edition.

AGXTEND develops XPOWER technology
A systemic weed control solution with the broadest weed spectrum, XPOWER™ enables effective and environmentally-friendly weed control with easy-to-calculate timing and dosage, for a sustainable weed control strategy.

The signature models of the ARBOS range at AGRITECHNICA 2019
The 7000 Series will be drawing the attention of both the public and professionals alike at the ARBOS stand (Hall 5 Stand D04) at Agritechnica.

Vredestein presents the world’s highest Flotation radial tire
Vredestein presents new Flotation Trac series radial tires in Agritechnica, which will take place between November 10 and 16 in Hannover.

ARBOS goes out to the field with new grain seeders
It is a wide range developed thanks to the precious know-how of MaterMacc, a leading company in the sowing and spraying sector, which has been part of the ARBOS Group since 2015.

AGCO appoints its new Distribution Directors
AGCO, in the pursuit of achieving its objective of becoming a global leader in the distribution of agricultural machinery, has appointed Francisco Javier Seisdedos as new Director of Distribution for Spain and Portugal on September 13.

Arbos presents its new 7000 series at Demoagro
Designed to work in countless applications, these tractors move with agility anywhere: whether it is a wide or narrow area, in plain or slope, hazel or vineyards in shade, olive groves or greenhouses.

Demoagro Specialty, “a new ANSEMAT project that accommodates machinery dedicated to special crops”
The person in charge of Development of Demoagro, Victoria Ruiz, explains to us in Agrarian E-commerce the latest developments in the preparation of Demoagro Specialty, an initiative similar to Demoagro, but focused exclusively on special crops, to be held in Turis (Valencia) next 1,2 and 3 of October of 2018. Therefore, there will be two Demoagro in 2019. In May, Demoagro will travel to Huesca to focus on the tasks of land preparation and forage collection and treatment, while a few months later it will be released the one dedicated to special crops.
Victoria Ruiz tells us all the details.

Massey Ferguson names his new Area Sales Manager
D.Alfonso Egea joins the organization of AGCO Iberia and assumes from October 1, 2018, the position of Area Sales Manager for the business of tractors and collection, reporting directly to Miguel Angel Menéndez, National Sales Manager Massey Ferguson Spain and Portugal.