5th Global Conference of the World Rural Forum
More than 200 rural actors from five continents gather today…

An automotive spray and 19th wins award for technological innovation of San Miguel Fear
The second and third prizes were for a map display system through the app and other information collection sensors

Central America: PDRR organization, new member of the World Rural Forum
Two Family Farming organisations, PDRR (Rural Regional Dialogue…

32nd Macfrut off with optimism in Italy
Fair organized by Cesena and held for the first time at the fair…

France: SPACE solidarities with the planet “Livestock”
Despite an unprecedented and tense during opening context, the…

Beet campaign will harvest 2 million tons in northern Spain
Spanish producer-marketer, Azucarera, and farmers have confirmed the start of the 2015-2016 season in the northern production area in Spain, with an expected capacity of 2.04 million tons of beet in its three factories, 167,000 tons higher than the previous year received.

Unica Group doesn’t top out in the end of the campaign
The business group continues to break record to finish with 230…

Ibérico ham and celluloid have much to cut
Santiago Segura or Elena Anaya, some of celebrities of the "seventh…

Why COAG hasn´t signed dairy sector agreement in Spain. Miguel Blanco
After a process of consultation with farmers from different producing areas, COAG has decided not to sign the Agreement for the sustainability of the value chain in the dairy sector because it does not guarantee at all remunerative price for farmers who at least cover the production costs.

ANUGA, Mecca of Spanish food sector
Alongside the trade fair SIAL in Paris, ANUGA, which takes places…