Peru hopes to double its production of avocado in four years
Much of avocado crops enter their maturing in about four years,…

EU: Searching for new markets for beef
Although between 2013 and 2014 there was an increase in meat…

Spain: BOE publishes new contracts lemon and grapefruit adapted to the law on the Food Chain
Ailimpo emphasizes protecting evenly producer and buyer

InnovaChile under Spanish training in horticultural economics
The Development Agency of Murcia (INFO) hosted a delegation of…

EU: New rules of origin labeling of meat
Two reports published by the European Commission concluded that…

CIEChile and COFIDES collaborate to facilitate Spanish business investment
The Spanish Development Finance Company, COFIDES, SA, and the…

The food and beverage production grows to 93.238 million euros
The Food and Beverage sector doubled its level of activity in…

USA: Meat exports recover
The Federation of Meat Export US (USMEF) reported that beef exports…

Argentina: Export data differ
Meat exports from Argentina during the first three months of…

The Argentina Food Bank Network and Monsanto reaffirms its commitment to a well-fed world
For four years Monsanto collaborates with the task at the REDBdA…