
LAINCO starts trials with SENSATIO®, the solution against Xylella fastidiosa in Mallorca
After obtaining the patent last December, LAINCO has started…

First sick olive trees of “Xylella fastidiosa” in France
The detection of “Xylella fastidiosa” for the first time in two ornamental olive trees in France next to the Italian border has generated concern among farmers.

Galpagro leads the European Life Resilience project
The European Union, through its Life program, has given the green light to the project led by Galpagro "Life Resilience: Prevention of X. fastidiosa in intensive plantations of olive trees and almonds applying ecological farming practices", a project that aims to achieve sustainable practices and productive for the prevention of Xylella Fastidiosa in the olive and almond plantations in intensive and high density.

Todolivo: a visit to the ‘zone 0’ of the Xylella fastidiosa
Part of the technical team of the company from Córdoba, Todolivo, made a trip, along with IFAPA researcher Lorenzo León and doctoral student Alicia Serrano, last September to the region of Bari, where is located 'zone 0' of the Xylella fastidiosa . The objective, to know first hand its effects and the latest advances that are made in the fight against this bacterium.

Aguilera urges EU to take urgent steps to halt the advance of Xylella
The Socialist MEP and Vice-President of the Committee on Agriculture in the European Parliament, Clara Aguilera, has called on the European Commission to take urgent steps to halt the progress of Xylella fastidiosa, which is already affecting several countries in continental Europe, including Spain and more concretely to the regions of the Valencian Community and Baleares. Aguilera recalls that no administration should "evade its responsibility to stop the plague" and calls for compensation for affected producers.

The EC will apply to the Court of Justice if Italy is not more forceful against the Xylella
The European Commission has called on Italy to take stronger and more effective measures to stop the spread of Xylella fastidiosa. Otherwise, it is proposed to take the transalpine country to the EU Court of Justice, according to an opinion issued after the report of the visit last November of community inspectors to the Puglia region, affected by new outbreaks , and to which the UNIÓ of Llauradors i Ramaders has had access.

Andalusia asks the MAPAMA to allocate a budget item to expedite possible compensation for Xylella
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, has requested the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) to estimate a budget item, to guarantee those affected by the Xylella Fastidiosa the greater agility in the process of his indemnifications. Sánchez Haro also advocates establishing a "legal framework that gives security to farmers" and avoid possible inequalities between producers who may be affected by Xylella fastidiosa in different Autonomous Communities.

The Generalitat Valenciana confirms the first case of Xylella fastidiosa in the Peninsula
The Department of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development of the Generalitat Valenciana has confirmed the first detection of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa in the Iberian Peninsula, specifically in a plantation of almonds in the municipality of Guadalest in the Alicante region of the Navy Low.

Unify criteria, the great challenge in phytosanitary registration
To unify criteria when addressing the phytosanitary product registration, for the benefit of society, is the great challenge in which representatives of all sectors involved in plant health in Spain (producers, exporters, technicians, manufacturers, distributors, and the Central and Regional Administration), during the closing day of the 14th Symposium of Plant Protection, which has gathered in Seville around 1,200 professionals.

Antonio Vergel: “Without phytosanitaries, agro-food production would be reduced by more than 50%”
Without phytosanitaries, agro-food production would be drastically reduced by up to 50%, and it would be impossible to ensure the food needs of present and future populations, according to Carlos Vergel, president of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas (COITAND). During the inagural day of the 14th Symposium on Plant Health, held in Seville from 25th to 27th January. Vergel regretted that a restrictive approach in Community legislation is making it difficult to register and use new products, although plant health is a key part of agricultural production. For its part, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Carmen Ortiz, has ensured that the Andalusian Government is working to promote plant health through aid to the Operational Groups of Innovation.