
Sánchez Haro: “e-commerce is a great opportunity for the Andalusian olive sector to go further”
The II Business Agro Business on the olive sector, "Olivar: quality and innovation for international markets", held today in Cordoba, was inaugurated with the interventions of the mayor of Cordoba, Isabel Ambrosio Palos, and the Andalusian Minister of Agriculture, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, who has highlighted the enormous opportunity offered by digitization through e-commerce so that Andalusian olive oil reaches more distant countries.

Rodrigo Sánchez Haro will inaugurate the II Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector
The Andalusian Councilor for Agriculture, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro will inaugurate next Wednesday, October 25th, the 2nd Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector, "Olivar: quality and innovation for international markets". This event is organized by SIETE Agromarketing and e-Comercio Agrario (ECA) together with ASAJA Córdoba, the cooperative group DCOOP, and the strategic collaboration of Extenda-Andalusian Agency for Foreign Promotion and the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of Andalusia (CAPDER).

The 2nd Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector already heats engines
On October 25th, the Royal Botanic Garden of the capital of Cordoba will host the II Tertulia Business Agro on the olive sector, "Olivar: quality and innovation for international markets". This event, organized by e-Commerce Agrarian (ECA) and SIETE Agromarketing, a communication and consulting agency specialized in the agro-food sector, hopes to repeat the success of the call and participation of its previous edition, celebrated last November 15th in Toledo , thanks to a careful program that includes the interventions of leading experts and professionals in the sector.

Aguilera urges EU to take urgent steps to halt the advance of Xylella
The Socialist MEP and Vice-President of the Committee on Agriculture in the European Parliament, Clara Aguilera, has called on the European Commission to take urgent steps to halt the progress of Xylella fastidiosa, which is already affecting several countries in continental Europe, including Spain and more concretely to the regions of the Valencian Community and Baleares. Aguilera recalls that no administration should "evade its responsibility to stop the plague" and calls for compensation for affected producers.

Todolivo undertakes the works of its new headquarters, in the old factory of Pan Arenas
The company from Cordoba Todolivo will locate its new facilities in the old Pan Arenas factory, which has been acquired for this purpose. With its new headquarters, Todolivo seeks to provide a more efficient service to its customers, while transmitting a more avant-garde image, in accordance with its corporate identity. The company, expert in olive cultivation in hedge, plans to inaugurate the new facilities in early 2019.

AVA-ASAJA estimates a million euros of losses for hailstones in 700ha of vine, olive and almond trees
The intense storm of hail that discharged in the afternoon of Wednesday, September 6th, in the region of Utiel-Requena has caused damages worth one million euros in an area of 700 hectares of cultivation of vineyard, olive and almond tree, according to the estimates of the Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-ASAJA). The municipal terms that have been more punished have been Jaraguas, Venta del Moro, Villargordo del Cabriel and Casas del Rey.

Olive exports continue to grow, with 15% more than in 2016
Exports of olive oil maintain their growth trend, as evidenced by the market data of olive oil for July, recently published by MAPAMA and that reflectes the good commercial rite that stems from this fact. Specifically, the total marketing in the tenth month of this campaign is 1,205,300 tonnes, 4.4% higher than the average of the last four seasons and 5% over the previous season.

DOP Sierra Mágina, an Extra Virgin unrepeatable
In the Sierra Mágina mountain range, in the south-central zone of the province of Jaén, a unique extra virgin olive oil is produced from the 61,000 hectares of olive groves protected by the Protected Denomination of Origin Sierra Mágina.

I International Olivo Symposium in hedge, a direct look at the reality of this crop
The I International Symposium of the olive grove in hedge, Olint, recently celebrated by the University of Córdoba (UCO), Agromillora and Olint, technical magazine of Agromillora Iberia, represented a golden opportunity to obtain a more direct and close knowledge of the reality of this crop Super-intensive. An event that attracted more than 600 professionals from the sector, who gathered in the Aula Magna of the Campus Rabanales of the UCO.

An innovative solution against the verticilium defoliante was presented in the framework of Expoliva
On April 27th, a day was held in the Palacio de Congresos de Jaén as an event prior to Expoliva, which under the title "The Olive Vertigo, an innovative solution against the defoliant verticillium", welcomed the presentation of this significant milestone, as a result of the great perseverance with which Continental Plants and various scientists and scholars of the University of Cordoba have been investigating for years to deal with the pernicious effects on the verticillium olivar, which limits its operation, reduces its population and sometimes makes it impossible to exploit of said crop in certain areas.