
Rising olive oil prices raise alarm in the sector over fraud risks
The EU is the world’s largest producer of olive oil, accounting…

Portugal, probably the best country for olive growing
By Juan Vilar Consultores Estratégicos
Portugal is one of…

Spanish producers work to develop a healthier oil
Spanish producers and scientific entities are working to develop…

Producing 69% of the world’s production, the EU is the largest producer of olive oil
For producing Member States, the EU framework for conformity checks effectively contributed to improve the quality of the products on the market and to reduce the prevalence of fraudulent practices

EU approves private storage of olive oil
Four consecutive tenders are established that will allow storing the necessary quantities until the rebalancing of the olive oil market is achieved.

Andalusia expects 32.7% less oil production this campaign
The Andalusian capacity provides for a production of 983,600 tons of olive oil, 32.7% less than last season.

The EC authorizes private storage for olive oil
The commissioner has announced the imminent presentation of a proposed regulation for the opening of a measure to help private storage of olive oil, to help adjust the offer.

The Spanish olive sector exports oil and machinery
Spanish olive oil belongs to a sector that is at the heart of the economy, culture, cuisine and the global image of Spain.

The EC asks Spain for information to advance oil self-regulation
In relation to market developments, a balance has been made on July 31 and, with data still provisional, on August 31.

Higher prices at the start of the table olive campaign
The drought and the olive grove diminish the harvest of table olives, which will be the shortest of the last decade with only 487,000 tons.