
European Green Deal: Commission presents actions to boost organic productio
The Commission presented an Action Plan for the development of…

The EU brought the consumption of fruits and vegetables and dairy products to more than 30 million children, during the school year 2016/17
During the 2016/17 school year, the EU brought the consumption of fruit and vegetables to more than 12.2 million children in 79,000 schools, through its fruit and vegetable consumption program. Along the same lines of promoting a healthy diet among the European child population, more than 18 million schoolchildren participated in their milk consumption program. Thanks to both initiatives, more than 74,000 tons of fruit and vegetables and more than 285,000 tons of dairy products were distributed to children between the ages of 6 and 10 years.

Inlac initiates a campaign that promotes the consumption of three dairy products per day as the basis of a healthy diet
The Interprofessional Organization that encompasses the entire Spanish dairy sector, Inlac, has presented on 14th June a campaign aimed at improving the knowledge and perception of dairy products, whose consumption, despite being essential elements for a balanced diet, it does not at present reach the necessary amounts for a correct feeding. Through rigorous information, which bases its messages on the work of a Scientific Committee composed of experts of recognized prestige, this initiative seeks to promote among the Spanish population the intake of at least three dairy a day, and has the support the EU and MAPAMA.

Ibero-American cooperation in food and nutrition
Research and dissemination of knowledge to improve the quality of life of the population is one of the challenges of the Iberoamerican Nutrition Foundation (FINUT). Through these agreements, it wants to encourage institutional cooperation contributes to the integral development of individuals and the maximum dissemination of knowledge. The collaboration extends to the National University of Cordoba (Argentina), ILSI Mesoamerica (Life Sciences Institute Association), Hygea and Granotec.

Spain: New nutrition notions on pork of white meat
The Interprofessional Organization for Pork of white meat (INTERPORC) ensures that lean cuts of pork and meat products may have an important place in the diet of older people due to their nutritional characteristics, in addition to carrying out physical activity as usual

World Day milk at school
With this celebration the importance of children know the value of health for consumption of milk and milk products is emphasized. The Spanish government is working on a national strategy consumption of dairy products in schools, with a budget of over 7 million.