
The EC calls for a more flexible, sustainable CAP with greater powers for the EE.MM
The European Commission calls for a more flexible, equitable and sustainable Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that guarantees the future of agriculture and food, as stated in a communication adopted on November 29th, which outlines the principles that go to allow this common EU policy, the oldest of all, to remain effective in the future.

García Tejerina advances that MAPAMA will lead a Working Group on Digital Transformation in Agriculture
The Minister Isabel García Tejerina has advanced that MAPAMA will lead a Working Group on Digitization and Big Data in agriculture, in the course of its intervention in the II Forum on Digital Transformation and Big Data in Agriculture, which was held on the 8th November in Madrid and has gathered more than 400 attendees. As reported by the minister, the purpose of this initiative is to address the needs of the sector and the rural environment to meet the technical, economic, training and legislative challenges of the digital transformation.

Spain: the Government appeals before the Court of Justice of the EU the fine for pastures to Andalusia
As recently reported, in the Congress of Deputies, the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabanas, the Government of Spain has filed a complaint with the Court of Justice of the European Union, to try to reduce or cancel the fine imposed by the European Commission to Andalusia, for the financial correction derived from the problems in the admissibility of pasture lands in European agricultural aid between 2009 and 2013. A claim based on the disproportionality of the sanction.

García Tejerina praises the role of food as an engine of economic, social and cultural development
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has praised the role of food as an engine of economic, social and cultural development, during the presentation of the XXIX Food Awards of Spain, held Tuesday, October 3th, at the headquarters of the Ministry. To boost this value of the agri-food, Tejerina has advanced that the Government works in a new Strategy of Food of Spain, that takes into account the synergies that can be taken advantage of between the feeding and many other sectors, like the gastronomy, the tourism , culture, sport, education, the environment and health.

More than 600 professionals will meet at the 5th Congress of Andalusian agro-food cooperatives in Jaén
More than 600 professionals, from the Andalusian Autonomous Community and the national level, will attend the 5th Congress that Agro-food Cooperatives of Andalusia will celebrate the 4th and 5th of October, in the fairgrounds of the capital of Jaen (IFEJA).

García Tejerina highlights Salamaq as an example of the ministerial commitment by the indigenous cattle breeds
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, has highlighted the Salamaq Fair as a clear example of the ministerial commitment for the conservation and promotion of indigenous breeds, "an animal heritage of undoubted value". For the Minister, the 1,400 specimens that participate in Salamaq 2017 show the genetic progress achieved by native Spanish breeds. García Tejerina, who made the remarks on the occasion of the inauguration on September 6th of Salamaq 2017, in which she was accompanied by the President of the Diputación, the Delegate of the Government in Castilla y León, and the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, referred to this event as "a symbol of what represents agriculture and livestock not in this land Castilian and Leon but in Spain".

The support of the primary sector allows Salamaq 17 to grow in content and quality
The Salamaq 17 Fair has consolidated its growth thanks to the confidence of the primary sector, growing in content and quality, with 532 unique exhibitors from 35 Spanish provinces of 14 Autonomous Communities, France and Portugal. The Fair, with a budget of 878,800 euros, increases the total occupied area to about 43,700 square meters.
Pro Event Calendar

International Fair of Ecological Products and Responsible Consumption, Bioculture. Madrid
On 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th November, pavilions 8 and 10 of the Madrid fairgrounds (IFEMA) will host the 33rd edition of the International Fair of Ecological Products and Responsible Consumption, Biocultura.

SEPOR 50th Edition. Livestock, Industrial and Agrifood Fair. Lorca (Murcia)
The Cattle, Industrial and Agroalimentary Fair of Lorca (SEPOR) is a contest of national and international reference that for fifty years seeks to answer each edition to the needs of information and training of breeders and professionals, putting at your disposal the testimony and the knowledge of the most qualified experts in matters such as biodiversity, animal health, food, pathologies, technological advances and production.

V Congress of Agro-food Cooperatives of Andalusia. Jaén
The next 4th and 5th October, Agro-alimentary Cooperatives of Andalusia celebrates its fifth Congress in the capital of Jaen, an unavoidable event for the Andalusian agrarian cooperative, which will be attended by more than 600 professionals from the autonomous community of Andalusia and the national level.