
EU: Commission opens a Knowledge Center to boost quality and fight against food fraud
Starting tomorrow, March 13th, the European Commission will put into operation a Knowledge Center on Food Fraud and Food Quality, managed by the Joint Research Center, in response to consumer concerns about the quality of food. food and fraudulent food practices. This new Knowledge Center, a network of experts from within and outside the Commission, will provide support to EU policy makers and national authorities, facilitating access to up-to-date scientific knowledge and the sharing of information on food fraud. and on issues of food quality.

EU: Hogan advocates prioritizing support for young farmers in the new CAP
The European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan, has advocated prioritizing support for young farmers in the new CAP, during the debate on the future of Agriculture and Food, which took place on February 12th in Seville with about a hundred citizens. In this event commemorating the 40th anniversary of ASAJA Sevilla, and held in the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of Seville (FIBES), the MEP of the group of Socialists and Democrats, Clara Aguilera and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina.

EU: the Commission will ensure that the US comply with the rules of the WTO in its investigation of the Spanish olive
By Milagros Jurado
The services of the European Commission…

Socialist MEPs denounce possible CETA’s failure to eliminate tariffs on European wine
The Spanish Socialist MEPs, Clara Aguilera and Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero, have presented a question to the European Commission, regarding a possible infringement by Canada in compliance with the CETA, with regard to the abolition of tariffs on European wine. Thus, in their request, they ask the Commission if they can confirm in writing that Canada complies, within the framework of the CETA free trade agreement, with the limitation of the "off-site winery retail stores" and if it has abolished the application of tariffs. residuals to European wine.

The EC calls for a more flexible, sustainable CAP with greater powers for the EE.MM
The European Commission calls for a more flexible, equitable and sustainable Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that guarantees the future of agriculture and food, as stated in a communication adopted on November 29th, which outlines the principles that go to allow this common EU policy, the oldest of all, to remain effective in the future.

EU: the Spanish field breathes, after authorizing the Commission the use of glyphosate for five more years
The Spanish countryside breathes easy, after meeting on November 28th the decision of the European Commission to finally authorize, for five more years, the use of the glyphosate herbicide. Gone are two years of negotiations and extensions that has had our agricultural sector in suspense, since, Spain would have been the country that would have been harmed the most, if the pressures for its prohibition have prospered, as it is assured from the agrarian union UPA. For its part, the ALAS alliance, which integrates UPA and ASAJA, Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España, FEPEX, and the Spanish Association of Conservation Agriculture / Living Soils, appreciates that the official scientific agencies of the EU have been heard. endorse the use of this product, although it regrets that the renewal has not been for the fifteen years allowed by the regulations.

EU: Member States support the new standards for organic farming
The European Commission has assessed as a decisive step the support that Member States have expressed on November 20th, for the approval of new standards for organic farming, which would establish a simplified legal framework that would cover all producers, since be from the EU or from third countries exporting to the EU.

Spain: the Government appeals before the Court of Justice of the EU the fine for pastures to Andalusia
As recently reported, in the Congress of Deputies, the Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabanas, the Government of Spain has filed a complaint with the Court of Justice of the European Union, to try to reduce or cancel the fine imposed by the European Commission to Andalusia, for the financial correction derived from the problems in the admissibility of pasture lands in European agricultural aid between 2009 and 2013. A claim based on the disproportionality of the sanction.

Aguilera urges EU to take urgent steps to halt the advance of Xylella
The Socialist MEP and Vice-President of the Committee on Agriculture in the European Parliament, Clara Aguilera, has called on the European Commission to take urgent steps to halt the progress of Xylella fastidiosa, which is already affecting several countries in continental Europe, including Spain and more concretely to the regions of the Valencian Community and Baleares. Aguilera recalls that no administration should "evade its responsibility to stop the plague" and calls for compensation for affected producers.

Phil Hogan: “I will continue to fight for our producers to have fairer access to non-EU markets”
In the following interview with ECA, Phil Hogan, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, addresses, among other things, the most urgent issues concerning the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP); the need to seek effective remedies against unfair trade practices or to defend fairer conditions for European producers in trade association agreements with third countries in the EU.