
The new European Commission begins to work
Janusz Wojciechowski, MEP veteran and current member of the European Court of Auditors, is the new Commissioner of Agriculture, while Phil Hogan assumes the Commerce portfolio.

The impact of Mercosur on the Mediterranean sectors reaches the European Parliament
Agustín Herrero has transferred to the Europarliamentarians and members of community institutions that Mercosur poses a threat to many European products,.

The US confirms the tariffs and Asemesa asks the EU to take the case to the WTO
The US International Trade Commission (USITC) has formally published its final resolution regarding the impact of imports of black olive from Spain on the California producing sector. As it happened in the preliminary ruling of early August of last year, the USITC has affirmatively decided to conclude that imports of Spanish laws cause harm in that sector.

The banana sector “reviews and reviews” the European Union’s financial project for agricultural aid
Representatives of the European Banana and Banana Producers Association (APEB) have met in Paris to review and review the latest actions developed at European level with the European Commission with regard to budgets within the framework of the POSEI.

The EU and the Member States, together with Switzerland, agree on a framework for cooperation with Bolivia worth 530 million euros
The European Commission, the member states present in Bolivia - France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden and Germany - and Switzerland have agreed to "harmonize and coordinate" their interventions in the field of development cooperation in the Andean country through the adoption of of a joint strategy until 2020 for which they will allocate a total of 530 million euros.

What model of exploitation should we support in the CAP?
Article of Opinion signed for ECA by the doctor and agronomist, José María García Álvarez, who reflects on the exploitation model that should be prioritized in the CAP

The latest news and data in the new period of CAP aid
The Council of Ministers has approved a Royal Decree modifying the current regulations on the application of direct payments to agriculture and livestock and other aid schemes, as well as on the management and control of direct payments and payments to rural development. The changes came into effect on January 1st and will apply the aid application campaign that will last in principle until April 30th, although, given the background of previous years, insurance will be extended. This amendment incorporates into the Spanish legal system the changes introduced by the so-called "Omnibus" Regulation in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

EU: Commission opens a Knowledge Center to boost quality and fight against food fraud
Starting tomorrow, March 13th, the European Commission will put into operation a Knowledge Center on Food Fraud and Food Quality, managed by the Joint Research Center, in response to consumer concerns about the quality of food. food and fraudulent food practices. This new Knowledge Center, a network of experts from within and outside the Commission, will provide support to EU policy makers and national authorities, facilitating access to up-to-date scientific knowledge and the sharing of information on food fraud. and on issues of food quality.

AVA-ASAJA calls for greater commitment from public authorities with innovation, during Hogan’s visit to his experimental farm
The Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-ASAJA) has called for greater commitment of public authorities with innovation, key to the future of the agricultural sector, during the visit of the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan, to Sinyent, his farm of trials and agricultural experimentation. During the tour Hogan was accompanied, in addition to the dome of AVA-ASAJA, by the president of the European People's Group, Manfred Weber, by the spokesman of the PP in the EU Parliament, Esteban González Pons, by the president of the PPCV, Isabel Bonig, and by a large group of popular MEPs.

The apple and pear of Catalonia surpass the quotations of the past campaign, by the descent of production in Europe
The selling prices of the apple and pear are above the prices of last season, due to the productive decline experienced by pip fruit throughout Europe during the current season. Despite the optimistic figures and the correct valuation of the campaign, the Managing Director of Afrucat, Manel Simon, affirms that "we must not get distracted and trust, but we must maintain this fluidity of sales to eliminate camera stocks" .