
Syngenta implements pollination practices to preserve biodiversity in Abadía Retuerta vineyards
The Abadía Retuerta farm, located in the Valladolid municipality of Sardón del Duero, practices environmentally friendly agriculture and recovers biodiversity in the margins of its vineyards, through Operation Pollinator, an international program implemented by Syngenta with the collaboration of different scientific organizations in Spain, whose objective is the establishment of specific habitats for pollinating insects in the margins of the crops, which allow the creation of natural refuges for pollinators and encourage the presence of other arthropods useful as predators and parasitoids.

Valencian agriculture suffers losses of 26M € due to the uncontrolled growth of the wild fauna
The agricultural sector of the Valencian Community has suffered direct losses of about 26 million euros, caused by the exponential increase that in recent years have been experiencing wildlife populations. According to calculations made during a meeting held by officials of the Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-ASAJA), LA UNIÓ of Llauradors i Ramaders, the Federation of Agro-food Cooperatives of the Region of Valencia and the Hunting Federation of the Region of Valencia, the predatory action of wild species on crops and agricultural infrastructure has experienced an increase of at least 30% over the past year.

UPA Madrid denounces the defenselessness of the rancher before the attacks of wolf, that grow 1,500% in three years
The Union of Small Farmers (UPA) in Madrid has been concerned about "the alarming lack of control of wildlife" after having access to a report from the Community of Madrid, according to which the number of annual attacks of wolf to cattle has passed from 15 to 251 in just three years, an increase of 1,573.33%. UPA Madrid, has lamented the defenselessness of the cattle rancher in this situation: "these data show that the wolf has returned with force to Madrid and the cattlemen are who are feeding him, when it is we who are in danger of extinction".

Spain: The main OPAs form an alliance that defends the renewal of the authorization of glyphosate
The Agricultural Professional Organizations (OPAs) at national and general level ASAJA and UPA, Agro-alimentary Cooperatives of Spain, the Spanish Federation of Producers Exporters of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Living Plants (FEPEX) and the Spanish Association of Conservation Agriculture / Soils Living (AEAC.SV), together with representatives of thousands of farmers, farmers, cooperatives, entrepreneurs and exporters of the Spanish agricultural sector, have formed the alliance ALAS - Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, to express support for the model of agriculture Sustainable intensification of production and renewal of the authorization of glyphosate for the maximum period authorized in Community regulations, justified by scientific criteria regarding their safety and use, environmental and economic and productive criteria.

Spain: EC approves additional quota for the withdrawal of 3,015 tonnes of fruit and vegetables
As part of the exceptional measures against the Russian veto, the European Commission has granted Spain an additional quota for the withdrawal of 3,015 tonnes of fruit and vegetables by publishing a resolution in the Official Journal of the EU (DOUE) of March 4th. This measure responds to a request from Spain, which requested the reallocation of the 18,000 tonnes that were not used by other Member States. Following the reallocation of the additional quotas, Spain remains the second beneficiary Member State of aid to producers, behind Poland.

The agricultural division of Bayer increased its sales in Spain by 4% during 2016
Bayer's agricultural division (Bayer Crop Science) closed 2016 with a 4% increase in its sales in Spain, which amounted to 193 million euros, confirming the positive trend in our country of this area of business of the company, whose turnover during last year in the Iberia region was 223 million euros, 2.6% more than in 2015. Despite the decline experienced by sales of Bayer Crop Science in Portugal, which in 2016 were 30 million (-6%), this division has been experiencing improvement and growth as a whole, which respond to Bayer's commitment to providing innovative and sustainable solutions to farmers.

UPA warns of an escalation of robberies in freseras holdings and calls for more vigilance of the Civil Guard
The Union of Small Farmers (UPA) has warned of the increase of thefts in the strawberry farms, due to the small number of Guardia Civil agents assigned to these areas. According to this agrarian union, this has caused thieves to enter the greenhouses at any time of day, which has led the strawberrt producers to organize into vigilance groups to protect their products themselves.

Need, instruments and incentives of cooperative integration
Opinion article signed by the director of Agro-food Cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha, José Luis Rojas, on the need for agricultural cooperative enterprises in the region to gain in size.

UPA asks Tejerina to defend the beet producers of Montoro’s tax collection
The Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA) has accused the Ministry of Finance and Public Service of proposing a tax on sugar with a desire to collect and without "minimally analyze" the impact that this tax will on the economy of the primary sector. For that reason, it has asked the Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina, to "act with forcefulness" and intercede to defend the interests of the 6,000 beet Spanish producers of this "direct attack" by Minister Montoro.

UPA warns that CETA will hurt the interests of the European agri-food sector
The Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA) has warned that the free trade agreement with Canada, recently approved by the European Parliament, will harm the interests of many people and sectors, benefiting only the large multinationals. For this organization, CETA is postulated as a new "unfair agreement" in which European society -and especially the primary sector - "will not make anything clear and will appear new competitors that will hinder their survival".