
The wine value of the DO Valdepeñas wines, present in FITUR 2018
The Valdepeñas Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) will be held at the International Tourism Fair of Spain (FITUR), whose next edition begins tomorrow and will continue until January 21st, two presentations with tastings of its wines, both at the stand of Castilla-La Mancha, as in the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPAMA).

Jabugo hosts the IX Congress of the appellations of origin of Spain
The Spanish Association of Denominations of Origin (Origin Spain), celebrates its ninth Congress and General Assembly in Jabugo, on November 8th, 9th and 10th, 2017. This time the Congress is organized by the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin Protected (PDO) Jabugo, for what is celebrated in its headquarters located in the emblematic El Tiro Building, in the municipality of Jabugo.

García Tejerina praises the role of food as an engine of economic, social and cultural development
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has praised the role of food as an engine of economic, social and cultural development, during the presentation of the XXIX Food Awards of Spain, held Tuesday, October 3th, at the headquarters of the Ministry. To boost this value of the agri-food, Tejerina has advanced that the Government works in a new Strategy of Food of Spain, that takes into account the synergies that can be taken advantage of between the feeding and many other sectors, like the gastronomy, the tourism , culture, sport, education, the environment and health.

The IGP Purple Garlic of Las Pedroñeras, protagonist in the XXXIII Week of the Heart of Madrid
The IGP Purple Garlic of Las Pedroñeras has carried out several cardiosaludable workshops within the framework of the XXXIII Heart Week in Madrid, which took place from September 27th to October 1st, by the Spanish Heart Foundation and Spanish Society of Cardiology.

DOP Sierra Mágina, an Extra Virgin unrepeatable
In the Sierra Mágina mountain range, in the south-central zone of the province of Jaén, a unique extra virgin olive oil is produced from the 61,000 hectares of olive groves protected by the Protected Denomination of Origin Sierra Mágina.

Cebolla Fuentes de Ebro starts the campaign with the sights set on new markets
The Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) Cebolla Fuentes de Ebro has started its new campaign with a forecast of production of five million kilos, and its aim in the revaluation of this product (unique in the world for its organoleptic properties), the Prolongation of its commercialization and the commitment to new export markets.

The asparagus of Huétor Tájar, protagonist of the most influential gastronomic blogs
The Governing Council for Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) 'Espárrago de Huétor Tájar' has decided to go a step further in promoting its product, counting on the support of some of the most influential Spanish bloggers specialized in gastronomy who, from their respective online platforms, publish articles on this exquisite food, encouraging their followers to share their own experiences and gastronomic experiences.