
ASOEX and the Chinese Pinduoduo platform promote cherries from Chile
As part of the new initiatives of the campaign to promote Chilean cherries this season, ASOEX partnered this January to the electronic commerce platform Pinduoduo de China.

Spain: MAPAMA and the sector work together to export cherry to the Thai market
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) and the cherry producing sector work together to open the Thai market to Spanish exports of this fruit. As part of this negotiation, inspectors from the Office of Development and Research for Plant Protection of the Thai Department of Agriculture inspected cherry farms in Aragon and Extremadura in July.

Chile: India opens doors to its exports of fresh avocados and blueberries
From next season, Chile will be able to export avocados and fresh blueberries to India, after recently closing an agreement with the authorities of this country, in very advantageous conditions. An achievement achieved in the context of a public-private visit to India, headed by Undersecretary of Agriculture, Claudio Ternicier.

Chile: First exports of nectarines reach the Chinese market
On February 4th, the authorities of the People's Republic of China confirmed that the country has access to nectarines from Chile, a long awaited news from this South American country, whose materialization has been possible thanks to the joint work of the sector Public and private.

The first Chilean cherries will arrive very soon to South Korea
The Minister of Agriculture of Chile, Carlos Furche, has called a very good news opening the Korean market for Chilean fresh cherries under the Systems Approach system. The decision of the South Korean authorities has been taken after receiving official notification of the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (QIA) of China, addressed to the Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) of Chile. Market access in South Korea concludes a four-year process of joint work between authorities and technical teams QIA and SAG.