
The 40th edition of Macfrut will be held at the Rimini Expo Centre (Italy)
From 3 to 5 May, the International trade fair for the fruit and…

The largest exploitation of organic blueberries has new financing
Located in the town of Mija in Dambovita, MerryBerry is the largest organic blueberry plantation in Romania. It currently covers an area of 100 hectares, planted between 2016 and 2017.

Peruvian export of blueberries will grow a 60.2% during 2019
A study by the consulting firm Maximixe revealed that during this year the export of blueberries would grow by 60.2%, reaching US $ 885 million. This will be due to higher shipments to the markets of the United States, the Netherlands and China.

FAECA Granada is committed to the promotion and creation of an Interprofesional of green asparagus
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de Granada has met with the territorial delegate of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development in Granada, Manuel García and the vice president of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, Clara Aguilera, at the headquarters of the provincial Federation , to analyze the situation of asparagus cultivation and propose possible lines of action that support this strategic sector for the province of Granada.

UPA denounces an increase of 525% of the price of cranberry between the point of origin and the consumer
UPA has denounced the "scandalous" difference between the price they pay for blueberries and consumers and the price farmers pay for producing them. This new complaint comes precisely at a time when the sector is making great efforts to promote the consumption of this product. It is not the first time that the organization of producers publicly warns of this fact, but UPA regret that their complaints "have never been taken into account."

The red fruits of Cuna de Platero, protagonists of the II day of health “Activando Huelva”
Cuna de Platero participated this Saturday in the second day of health 'Activando Huelva', where its red fruits have starred in a culinary demonstration with healthy products by the School of Hospitality Santa María de Belén, Huelva. This day, where the cooperative was already present in its previous edition, are organized by the health districts of Huelva-Costa and Condado-Campiña Primary Care.

Pedro García: “The Asian market in general is very interesting for the Valle del Jerte Cooperative Association”
The Export Director of the Valle del Jerte Cooperative Association, Pedro García Mesías, has given an interview to where he answers several questions, such as the founding of this group, the objectives of this, the main problems to which he has had to face this sector or the current importance of the cherry in the markets.

Cuna de Platero brings the fourth edition of its food education program “Fresayunando” to 2,500 children
Cuna de Platero has inaugurated the fourth edition of its food education program "Fresayunando. Healthy breakfast of Platero Cuna "in which more than 2,500 children from different schools will participate.

Mexico will host the III International Blueberry Seminar 2018
Mexico will host the III International Seminar of Blueberries, which will be held on June 7 and will have a very innovative program, with new and interesting local and international speakers. In addition, there will be a field day in which to see the most outstanding technical applications. This new edition of the Blueberry Seminar of Mexico will have the special organization and collaboration of Aneberries, the National Association of Berry Exporters of Mexico.

Cuna de Platero brings its cooperative model to Huelva university students and bets on digitalisation and innovation and R + D
The cooperative of Moguer (Huelva), Cuna de Platero has presented to students of the University of Huelva its cooperative model and its strategic commitment to digitalization and innovation and R & D, on the occasion of its participation in the second edition of the conference 'Business Week', recently held by the UHU.