The flavor regains its prominence with the new varieties of stone fruit
Viveros Hernandorena opens the doors of its Experimentation Center to show the varieties of PSB, where flavor is the protagonist.
Lower volume of stone fruit throughout Europe
Forecasts indicate that Europe will not reach the optimal production potential in any of the areas of the producing countries.
European apricot production is reduced
From Europech they have published a first forecast for the European apricot campaign, with data that points to a drop in production.
Spain: the sweet fruit sector asks for urgent aid to be able to face the next campaign
Before the suffocating lack of liquidity, derived from several years with prices below production costs, the sweet fruit sector has demanded from the Minister of Agriculture urgent support measures so that producers can face the next campaign. Among the actions requested are tax reductions, aid and moratoriums for loans contracted, soft loans and remission of Social Security contributions.
The harvest of fruit bone in Castilla-La Mancha will grow by 6.5%, according to agricultural cooperatives
Agro-alimentary cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha foresee an estimated harvest of fruit bone in its autonomous community around the 55,171 tons, in a total of 3,714 hectares of cultivation. This figure represents a 6.51% increase in production compared to the previous season, when 51,799 tonnes were obtained. The apricot is the only fruit that will suffer a significant reduction in production compared to last year, due to spring frosts and rains during the flowering season.
It is expected for the 2017 campaign to recover normal levels of production in bone fruit
The forecasts of this campaign in bone fruit point to a recovery of normal levels of production, compared to a previous campaign in which production was low because of adverse weather. Thus, and according to the estimates of the different Autonomous Communities, analyzed in the meeting held on May 17 by the general director of Productions and Agricultural Markets of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Fernando Miranda, with the organizations Representative of the horticultural sector, production is expected to increase compared to last year 2016 for all products of the sector such as peach, nectarine, paraguay, apricot and cherry, with the exception of plums.