The food industry highlights the good prospects for strengthening their competitiveness
The Spanish Federation of Food and Drink Industries (FIAB) today held its General Assembly in December. In it, they have highlighted the positive growth expectations for the food industry, consolidating and first industrial sector.
Anice summon the Awards in the meat sector
The National Association of Meat Industries of Spain (Anice) creates Anice Awards in the meat sector, in order to recognize the work of different people, companies and institutions that have helped to bring this sector into the position in which stands today, both nationally and internationally.
Agroexpo will feature guided tours for Portuguese workers and neighboring provinces
The Agroexpo-XXVIII edition of International Fair, held from 27 to 30 January 2016 in Don Benito (Badajoz), is presented with important developments in order to improve the showcase posed to the agricultural sector throughout the region, and in order to optimize the extensive program of scheduled activities.
Globalcaja exposes the agricultural advisory model in the Ministry of Agriculture
Globalcaja discussed agricultural advisory model in the General Division of the modernization of farms of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, organized a day of update for trainers and technicians from different administrations as well as professional agricultural organizations and cooperatives rural associations.
Fruit Logistica 2016 held a conference on the logistical challenges of international trade in fruit and vegetables
Fruit Logistica, the most important fresh produce industry trade platform, choose Port of Barcelona to celebrate the upcoming December 15 its first event in Spain dedicated to the importance of logistics in international trade of fruits and vegetables.
FIMA 2016 comes soon
The last edition of FIMA 2016 Organizing Committee has served to highlight the importance of the agricultural hall Feria de Zaragoza for the sector and put on the table the excellent figures that throws the 39th edition of the event. At the meeting, issues such as globalization, new technologies and good agricultural practices are addressed.
Interprofessional, distributors and institutions will discuss the value chain in the global world
Editorial Agrícola, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Magrama), the Spanish Association of Supermarkets and Supermarkets Distributors, the Designation of Origin Estepa, Interalimentario Forum, the Interprofessional Porcine Whitecloak and Makro organizes the December 10 the conference "Agricultural Café. Value chains in a global market In Search of Excellence", which will take place from 9 in the morning at the headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Square San Juan de la Cruz 10, Madrid) and will feature the sponsorship of BBVA, Enesa and Massey Ferguson.
Citrosol, technology company of the year in 2015 Cepyme Awards
Citrosol has become a hub of knowledge, through an extensive network of alliances and partnerships it has built with private and public entities whose common name R & D. The result of this research and popular science has been sustained growth in recent years, which has doubled its turnover and the recent award Cepyme 2015.
FIAB organizes a conference on financing for agribusiness SMEs
FIAB (Spanish Federation of Food Industry and Beverage) organized together with the Ministry of Agriculture day workshop COMPETITIVENESS AND REVITALIZATION: Lines of financing for SMEs in the agri-food lines of financing desgranarán that the State makes available to our companies to improve and grow in an increasingly global and dynamic competitive environment.
Jorge Esteban, new CEO of Feria de Zaragoza
Jorge Esteban is CEO of the Feria de Zaragoza, which is part of Spain's leading trade fair organizations with a large number of events that place it at the forefront of the international scene of trade shows in Europe.