The meat industry rejects the classification of red meat and processed as carcinogenic made by WHO
The European Meat Manufacturing Industry has proactively stepped forward with the aim of
providing as many details as possible, to serve as a complete basis and source of information for the consumer, to have a wider understanding of both, the hazard identification and the risk assessment associated.

Processed meat, with more risk of generating cancer, according to WHO
Processed meats such as hot dogs or hamburgers, increase the risk of cancer. This was made public today the World Health Organization in an analysis of the consumption of red meat and derivatives. Although this association was mainly observed in colorectal cancer, it has also been seen in pancreas and prostate tumors.

Interporc Spain to conquer new markets
The conquest of new international markets and the consolidation of national consumption from the differentiated quality and innovation on the basis of strategic information, the scientific arguments and health are the keys that will shape the future of the pig sector in the coming years to maintain its leadership position. This is one of the conclusions drawn from II Porcino Forum, with the theme "Strategies for a leader" took place in Madrid the Interprofessional Porcine Layer Blanca (Interporc).

Peru recognizes the Juan José Pascual´s labor for rabbit breeding in Latin America
Professor and researcher at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Juan José Pascual, has been named Doctor Honoris Causa by the National University of San Antonio del Cusco (Peru). The professor Pascual has been awarded in recognition of their educational, scientific and editorial contributions aimed at promoting the development of rabbit breeding in Latin America as a tool for rural development and poverty reduction.

Sommet de l’Elevage offered resistance to Bluetongue
When "the most important in Europe for livestock professionals encounter" closed, organizers smiled again thanks to a not so catastrophic that the announced result. In this year of 2015, welcomed 72,000 visitors came reflecting "only" a 17% attendance compared to the previous edition. "The worst happened," said Fabrice Berthon, General Commissioner of the Sommet de l'Elevage. "Livestock is the essence of the show and the total absence due to Bluetongue (for the first time in 24 editions) is a real loss for our event. This situation should never happen again, "he said Berthon.

Spain: Dairy and pharmaceutical industries enrich together child nutrition
Central Lechera Asturiana and Interapothek unite to launch a line of specialized products for the pharmacy channel exclusive nutrition. The first references that reach the market are "ia Baby 1" infant milk for infants, and "ia Baby 2", then milk.

Reinventing egg
The Egg Research Institute celebrates World Egg Day, which falls…

Spain: The Vet + i platform organizes a day of work on l R & D in Animal Health
The Vet + i platform organizes a working session focused on opportunities for R & D in Animal Health under the European Horizon 2020 program in Bioeconomy and Health, which will be advised by experts from the CDTI of new and future calls. The workshop will take place on November 5 in the NH Nacional hotel in Madrid.

France: SPACE solidarities with the planet “Livestock”
Despite an unprecedented and tense during opening context, the…

EU: Bluetongue, breaking news
Several outbreaks of the virus have been reported in the European…