Brazil: Record of grain harvest again
The Latin American country will produce 210 million tons of grain in the 2015-2016 period. In the previous period (2014-2015) Brazil set a new record with 209.5 million grains. Soybeans will again its flagship product.

EU wants to open new Asian markets
Agriculture Commissioner, Phil Hogan, drives the opening of new markets for Community production. Travels from 16 to 22 April to China and Japan with a delegation of businessmen from the European Union (EU). Its objectives include politically support the ongoing negotiations for the lifting of barriers that limit access to these markets and strengthening trade relations.

Peru lifts up trade barriers to US beef
The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation establishes specific health requirements mandatory for imports of meat and edible offal chilled or frozen bovine compliance from the United States (US).

EU: Extraordinary measures for the dairy sector, pigs and fruit and vegetables
Brussels has agreed to implement a mechanism for voluntary reduction of milk production, doubling intervention buying skimmed milk powder and butter at fixed price. In pigs, agreed to introduce private storage of pigmeat again and fruits and vegetables, exceptional measures adopted on the occasion of the Russian veto is extended for another year. The EC will increase the limit of aid Member States may grant to agricultural and livestock farms under the regime "de minimis".

Winning in size is growing in markets, an example in Castilla-La Mancha
The Government of Castilla-La Mancha promote the merger of cooperatives through the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 and precedence to their farmers. "Cooperatives take the steps trade integration or enterprise merger, they will have more aid. Farmers who belong to this type of cooperatives, which are to be joined, will also have priority in receiving direct aid, "said Francisco Martinez Arroyo.

Macri wants to turn Argentina in the world supermarket
The most professionalized exhibition of Argentine agroindustrial sector witnessed a historic landmark, no doubt testimonial. The presence of the president of the nation for the first time in Expoagro staged changing agricultural policy. The previous government had decided to interventionism and control of exports of agricultural products. Instead, Macri Administration is implementing and stimulating measures such as the reduction of withholding tax, currency devaluation and removes obstacles to sell more across borders. Obama's visit to the country is another opportunity to reopen or improve access to the US market for some of its productions.

ALC looking for improving farming practices to raise yields
Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) should apply good practices for food production, knowledge-based methods, appropriate use of technology and sustainable management of natural resources, said the general director of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation agriculture (IICA), Victor M. Villalobos. Demand for food is increasing and it is estimated that world population will reach 9 billion people by 2050.

European program and IICA renews its website to share agricultural innovation
Technologies and best practices in cassava, potato, tomato and avocado, effective actions with an impact on the field, testimonies of producers and their experience in adopting innovations on their farms are some of the elements that can be found in the renovated website Regional Programme for Research and Innovation for Agricultural Value Chains (PRIICA). The portal systematises innovations and updated in four agricultural value chains information.

Chile: World Processing Tomato Congress
This is the 8th largest exporter of processed tomatoes, canned and pulp, and the first in South America. Minister of Agriculture, Carlos Furche participated in the opening of the twelfth edition of the World Congress of Tomato Processing, organized by the World Council of Tomato Processing, an organization that brings together more than 25 producing countries representing 95% of all producers processed tomato world.

Spain: Cutbacks in the field aggravate female unemployment in agriculture
Since 2011 women have destroyed 42,500 jobs in the field and the percentage of total employment in the sector has fallen 26% to 24%. "Women who live and work in rural areas are the main victims of cuts in services and infrastructure in the villages. Without basic care services, can hardly enhance women's employment in agriculture, "stressed Immaculate Idáñez, head of the Department of Women COAG and President of CERES.