Grupo Agrotecnología advances in international expansion with its new headquarters in Peru
The company from Alicante, Grupo Agrotecnología, present in more than 30 countries, continues to advance its commitment to international expansion, with the recent opening of its new headquarters in Peru. With this new subsidiary, which joins those already opened in Mexico and Chile, Grupo Agrotecnología seeks to consolidate itself in new markets and strengthen its international structure and presence in South America, a market in which it aspires to become a clear reference in the sector of the Biostimulants and biopesticides.

Spain: EC approves additional quota for the withdrawal of 3,015 tonnes of fruit and vegetables
As part of the exceptional measures against the Russian veto, the European Commission has granted Spain an additional quota for the withdrawal of 3,015 tonnes of fruit and vegetables by publishing a resolution in the Official Journal of the EU (DOUE) of March 4th. This measure responds to a request from Spain, which requested the reallocation of the 18,000 tonnes that were not used by other Member States. Following the reallocation of the additional quotas, Spain remains the second beneficiary Member State of aid to producers, behind Poland.

Need, instruments and incentives of cooperative integration
Opinion article signed by the director of Agro-food Cooperatives of Castilla-La Mancha, José Luis Rojas, on the need for agricultural cooperative enterprises in the region to gain in size.

Peru: Deutz-Fahr and Orber Agrícola join forces to provide farmer with cutting edge technology
Peru: Deutz-Fahr and Orber Agrícola join forces to provide farmer with cutting edge agricultural technology

The value of horticultural exports in 2016 exceeds for the first time 12,000M€
The value of Spanish exports of fresh fruit and vegetables in 2016 increased 5% compared to 2015, surpassing for the first time 12,000 million euros, according to data published this week by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and processed by FEPEX, for which this figure "shows the positive evolution of the sector". In contrast, the volume of exports of Spanish fresh fruit and vegetables fell by 2%, with a total of 12.5 million tonnes.

Peru: The fruit and vegetable sector generates in Fruit Logística 200 million dollars in business
The Peruvian companies participating in the last edition of Fruit Logística have settled their participation in this important international fair of the sector hortofrutícola, closing businesses for a global value of 200 million dollars. For the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Eduardo Ferreyros, this is a "record figure", having exceeded by 32% the initial expectations.

UPA warns that CETA will hurt the interests of the European agri-food sector
The Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers (UPA) has warned that the free trade agreement with Canada, recently approved by the European Parliament, will harm the interests of many people and sectors, benefiting only the large multinationals. For this organization, CETA is postulated as a new "unfair agreement" in which European society -and especially the primary sector - "will not make anything clear and will appear new competitors that will hinder their survival".

The salons of wine, oil and fruit and vegetables of Feria de Zaragoza close with almost 27,000 visitors
The agri-food salons ENOMAQ, TECNOVID, OLEOMAQ, OLEOTEC and FRUYVER closed their last edition, last February 17th, with an important influx of professionals, more than 26,800, a fact that consolidates Feria de Zaragoza, organizer of these events, as a reference of the wine, oil and fruits and vegetables sectors.

Tejerina is committed to making Murcia the region with the greatest investment in water infrastructure
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has promised that Murcia will be the region where most will be invested in infrastructure to solve water problems, during a meeting held with the Governing Council Of Agri-Food Cooperatives of Spain, where the Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives of the Region of Murcia (Fecoam), is represented by its president, Santiago Martínez.

Fenacore supports a project that will save on irrigation 30% of energy and water
The National Federation of Irrigation Communities (FENACORE) has participated in a European project whose objective is to promote on a large scale an intelligent irrigation system capable of saving up to 30% energy and up to 30% water, without affecting the quality standards that foreign markets demand for crops.