Mexico is the “number one” thanks to the blackberry
In recent years, the Mexican production of blackberry was growing to place Mexico as the first producer worldwide of this small fruit.

Cranberries, one of the five most important Chilean fruit products abroad
The president of the Federation of Fruit Producers of Chile (Fedefruta) Jorge Valenzuela, considers that the national market is going through a "very good moment". And, in his opinion, the demand for the fruit products of the country is showing an unprecedented boom.

Afrucat works to open the Mexican market to the Catalan stone fruit
The technical team of Afrucat this morning accompanied a group of Mexican inspectors to different fields of Baix Segrià to analyze the feasibility of opening the Mexican market to the Catalan stone fruit. This initiative is the result of the joint work of the Association with the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of Agriculture of the Generalitat and accelerated thanks to a reverse mission organized by Prodeca this year.

Ecuador exports 92% of its mango to the United States
As part of the promotion of the fruit, Fundación Mango Ecuador prepares the International Mango Congress for the seventh time in the country. Johnny Jara, executive director of the foundation, addressed the media explaining the benefits of the crop, and the importance of this event for foreigners and locals.

Chile opens a lemon market in the United States under a systems approach
The Ministry of Agriculture of Chile announced after 4 years of negotiations the approval by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the Department of Agriculture of the United States (USDA) the certification of Chilean lemons under Systems Approach. Thus, an alternative is offered that will allow our country to export lemons in higher quality conditions, since it avoids fumigation with methyl bromide, substantially improving the post-harvest conditions of this fruit to a market in which Chile is the main provider.

Mexico will host the III International Blueberry Seminar 2018
Mexico will host the III International Seminar of Blueberries, which will be held on June 7 and will have a very innovative program, with new and interesting local and international speakers. In addition, there will be a field day in which to see the most outstanding technical applications. This new edition of the Blueberry Seminar of Mexico will have the special organization and collaboration of Aneberries, the National Association of Berry Exporters of Mexico.

Chile: Exports of fresh fruit exceed 854,000 tons to date
The Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile AG (ASOEX) has recently presented the advance of fresh fruit exports so far in the 2017/18 fruit season. Thus, according to its president Ronald Bown, from September 1st to February 16th, Chile has sent 854,671 tons of fresh fruits to the world, a figure that turns out to be 5.35% less than the volumes sent to the same period last season.

China opens its borders to the Argentine blueberry
After five years of negotiations, the Argentine government has gained access to the Chinese market of the national production of blueberries. However, given that the blueberry season in the Andean country has already ended, its exports of this red fruit to China will begin next season, in August 2018.

The Chilean exports of blueberries of this campaign account for around 46,000 tons
The 2017/18 campaign of blueberries from Chile, is already 45% complete and has been characterized by favorable weather conditions. To date, Chilean exports of this red fruit are close to 46,000 tons, registering the highest weekly dispatch in the history of this industry when, during week 51, 11,575 tons were shipped.

Pilot program to implement an electronic system that verifies the export of Chilean fruit to China
The China Entry & Exit Biosecurity Society (CBS) and the Association of Exporters of Chilean Fruit AG (ASOEX) have signed an agreement for the implementation of an Electronic Verification System for Chilean fruit exports to China. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that fruits meet the quality and safety standards of both countries, as well as to make inspections more efficient at the ports of entry of the Chinese market.