Jerónima Bonafé: “Without women, the rural environment would not continue”
Coinciding with the commemoration of Women's Day, in ECA we want to claim the role and contribution of rural women professionals through this interview with Jerónima Bonafé, Secretary of the Governing Council of Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain, and President of Agro Cooperatives Of the Balearic Islands. With her, a clear example of a woman with a voice and a capacity for decision, in an environment where male leadership still prevails, we talk about issues such as the still low visibility of women in the governing bodies of cooperatives and organizations in the agricultural sector and, both, the need to continue working for a greater role of rural women.

Martine Degremont: “The current edition of SIMA has been conceived under the premise of utility”
Martine Degremont: "The current edition of SIMA has been conceived under the premise of utility"

Jeffrey Shaw: “Spain has to develop its image as a source of quality olive oil”
The United States is one of the extra-community markets that offers greater opportunities to Spanish agri-food exports. Issues such as the impetus in recent years to import Spanish agri-food products in this country, or the importance of developing a brand image and adding value (among the many challenges that our companies face to compete in this demanding market), are addressed in this interview that ECA performs Jeffrey Shaw, Head of the Food Department of the Economic and Commercial Office, attached to the Spanish Embassy in New York.

Joan Mir: “innovation is the differentiating element that makes companies excellent”
The cooperative group Anecoop has been commemorating, throughout 2016, 40 years of growth, evolution and commercial expansion, thanks to its constant commitment to innovation and the adaptation to the needs of the consumer, making quality and food safety, the respect for the environment, social economy and the promotion of healthy eating, its main distinguishing features. From this and many other issues, we spoke at ECA with its director general, Joan Mir.

Chen Yuming: “Without a Free Trade Agreement, Spanish products are at a disadvantage”
Chen Yuming is the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of the R.P. China in Spain. We talked to him about trade policies between China and Spain, business opportunities, and the positioning of agri-food products in the Chinese market. A market that demands foreign products of quality, but in which they take the lead those that are endorsed by Free Trade Agreements.

Ramón Sentmartí “Asian and Latin American markets have great potential for the Catalan fruit and vegetable sector”
A few days before I Tertulia Agro Business DO WE SPEAK ?: Marketing of safe fruit in China, which will take place in Lleida and whose organization participates e-Commerce Agricultural (ECA), interviewed one of its participants, Ramón Sentmartí, new director manager of Promotion of Agrifood Exports from Catalonia(PRODECA). With him we talked about the challenge of internationalization and opportunities posed by the food industry of his autonomous region.

“We want to offer a comprehensive solution tailored to meet the needs of the farmer”. Mónica Andrés
e-Comercio Agrario: Behind the Norwegian word Yara best wishes…

Silvia Cifre: “Innovation remains the basis of the portfolio of BASF, after 150 years of history”
If BASF has come this far, after 150 years of history, it is because innovation from the side of chemistry has supported its development. The current head of Division Crop Protection BASF, Silvia Cifre has exclusive how innovation is expressed in its product portfolio that adapts to the evolution of the market and growing environmental demands, in addition to its commitment to intensive and extensive cultivation in Spain. Cifre also believes that a way to streamline processes for evaluating new technologies would establish a single entity structure.

“We want people to have fun cooking and are fed healthy and flavorful”. Torres Bros.
Sergio and Javier left their mark, in duplicate, fun and educational in everything they touch, all that are cooking, in every corner of the Spanish pantry are their fields and waters. On seasonal product turns your kitchen: take full advantage of the simple, but do not skimp on venturing into the umbra Amazon u to add new ingredients, but sifted through their prism. You can know a bit of them in this exclusive interview.

Virgilio Martínez y Jorge Vallejo: “We must rescue the origin to save the future”
Madrid Fusion gastronomic often point to the forefront with a radius of global action. But also it returns to the past, especially when the support is the culinary legacy of future generations. The chefs Virgilio Martinez and Jorge Vallejo's role Dock and Marty McFly donned, rescuing the roots of food and cooking techniques forgotten in Latin America, with Argentine Mauro Colagreco, for the present of that charge remains, today, intact . It is a coherent project that unites kitchen with territory and marked social character.