Companies of Huelva berries open new business lines in Fruit Attraction
Huelva producers blunt with the presentation of new products and innovative packaging in the Trade Show Fruit and Vegetables, which include the largest number of people.

Europe and Latin America seeking the way to increase the horticultural trade
Fruit and vegetable trade between Europe and Latin America are today very small compared to the overall trade between the two regions. The traffic of these products does not reach even 1% of purchases from, for example, Mexico and the European Union. In the case of Chile, it stays at 7.5%. However, the increase in income from Latin American countries and the planned improvements in the free trade agreements portend an increase in trade of fruits and vegetables on both sides of the Atlantic. Brazil is emerging as one of the most promising markets receptors. In 2014, Spanish exports to this country grew 25% in 2014.

Hortyfruta share in the Milan Expo experience in promoting the consumption of fruit and vegetables
Hortyfruta share in the Milan Expo experience in promoting the consumption of fruit and vegetables
The Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Andalusia (HORTYFRUTA) attend as rapporteur of the European Union Pavilion in the World Expo in Milan, on 29 October. This is a meeting organized by the Italian UNAPROA, the National Union of Fruit and Vegetables.
There HORTYFRUTA transmit their experience in promotional activities and information to encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables. With this intervention, and it will place Andalusia as a reference and will represent Spain through its paper 'Promoting the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in Europe'.
For HORTYFRUTA president, Francisco Gongora, these days are "an excellent setting to publicize the Inter-European and international levels, and to address aspects of the new European policy of promotion of fruit and vegetables, and exchange points view about their strengths and weaknesses. "
During his speech, HORTYFRUTA will tour since its establishment to share its experience in the field of promotion. From 2007 until 2011, the Inter focused its efforts on raising awareness of the regional production shares of consumer-oriented Spain, Germany and the UK. Among other actions, HORTYFRUTA attended numerous fairs and public events and also made massive marketing operations through partnerships with retail chains to promote fruit and vegetables in its stores.
HORTYFRUTA remember how from 2012 made a qualitative leap in European development, following the E.coli crisis, thanks to the campaign Vegetables Europe, We Care, You Enjoy. Because food alert generated, the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in Germany had fallen 30% below its historical level.
The project designed by HORTYFRUTA and the Association of Producers-Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables of the Region of Murcia (Proexport) was selected by the European Union for the promotion of fresh fruits and vegetables in Germany, Austria and the UK.
This European campaign combined mass marketing actions, such as television, radio and consumer magazines, with more direct, focused to deal face to face with the consumer, such as promotions in supermarkets.
Source: Hortyfruta
The Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Andalusia (HORTYFRUTA) attend as rapporteur of the European Union Pavilion in the World Expo in Milan, on 29 October.

Exports lettuce Murcia now account for 71% of Spain
PROEXPORT highlights the importance of growing lettuce in Spain, which has increased steadily in recent years due, among other factors, to increased domestic and foreign demand for fresh and healthy products.

The Ministry of Agriculture will address the national strategy of horticulture in Fruit Attraction
It will present the results of the public consultation, surveys and focus groups conducted to diagnose the Spanish fruit and vegetable sector, from which the future national strategy will be designed for operational programs of producer organizations.

Cold reduces crop of blueberries in Argentina
Cold temperatures in Argentina affect the volumes that markets are getting from this country. It is expected that the pace of production take its normal course from this week

Andalusia will produce 11.2% less than last year citrus
The Minister of Agriculture, Carmen Ortiz, stressed that despite these initial estimates, marked by the high temperatures that have caused the most productive potential is not reached, "we must be cautious because it is a campaign that is extended until June with a wide range of variation. "

Cirilo Arnandis: “We are looking for new khaki consumers to meet the growth in production”
President of the DOP Kaki Ribera del Xúquer and Agrifood Cooperatives president of Valencia. Arnandis serves e-Commerce Agricultural occasion of the presentation of the 2015 campaign of the DEO. "There is talk of when the 'property bubble' Persimmon come, but we are here not to occur," he says.

The DOP “kaki Ribera del Xúquer” takes up the challenge of increasing brand awareness among consumers
That is the main objective administrators DOP Kaki Ribera del Xúquer marked for the 2015 campaign on promotion. In terms of production, it is expected that during this campaign will reach 230,000 tons, and 550,000 tons in 2020 are.

Val Venosta apples and sustainability, more protagonists in Fruit Attraction
Cooperative Association Horticultural Venosta Valley in the Italian Alps, will strengthen its presence at the fair BIO line, where delivery Gold awards Golden Apples Val Venosta, offers a curious Functional Cooking Show, culinary innovation and linking Medicine dishes that enhance health, and organizes a workshop on responsible consumption.