Domingo Martín Ortega, new president of ASPROCAN
Domingo Martín Ortega, has been elected new president of the Association of Canarian Plantain Producers Organizations (ASPROCAN), according to the agreement adopted by the Ordinary General Assembly of the organization, held on April 6th in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. After his election, Martín Ortega has emphasized the importance of preserving the unity of the sector, something that he considers fundamental at a time when the Canary Islands' Banana must face great challenges, both in Spain and in Europe, on the ground Banana marketing and competition with bananas from third countries.
Colombia: Mango exports grew significantly in 2016
Colombian mango exports have experienced a significant increase in 2016 compared to 2015, from 283 tons of that year to a total of 403t, according to the deputy minister of Agriculture and Livestock Affairs, Juan Pablo Pineda. In their opinion, these data show the great commercial and productive potential of this sub-sector whose main markets are Canada and the European Union (mainly countries like Spain, France and Portugal).
ASAJA Albacete mobilizes thousands of farmers and ranchers in defense of the rural environment, under the motto “No field, no life”
ASAJA Albacete has staged a demonstration in the capital of his province, on Thursday, April 6th, under the motto "No field, no life", demanding measures to the regional and central administration to solve the very serious situation of the agrarian sector, including, among others, the declaration of Plague of the mountain rabbit and other species of big game, with measures to eradicate these pests; a plan of irrigation that guarantees the future of the exploitations and the wealth in the region: 1,500 hm3 for 500,000 has. to 20 years; that CAP aid should be more agile, consistent with rules and, above all, basic to the viability of farms: that the aid should not be delayed.
The cultivation of citrus fruits, protagonist of the II course of specialization of the chair of FMC at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena
The citrus sector has focused the second course of specialization of the chair of FMC in the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, recently held at its School of Agricultural Engineering. A hundred technicians and agricultural engineers from large farms and agri-food and distribution companies, many coming from Catalonia, Valencia and Andalusia, have been trained in biostimulation and other natural defense measures of application in citrus cultivation.
Thousands of farmers “take” the city of Murcia claiming a solution for the Mar Menor
Thousands of farmers, more than 400 tractors and hundreds of trucks keep a demonstration in the capital of Murcia on Wednesday, April 5th in demand of a solution for the Mar Menor that allows them to continue producing food sustainably in the region of Campo de Cartagena. After 24 hours of peaceful concentration, protesters have called for the commitment of the Agriculture Minister, Isabel García Tejerina, to go to Murcia to meet with them to "immediately" find a solution to their situation.
EU: Spain will defend approval of the protocol proposed by the Canary Islands to eliminate Guatemalan moth
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, has assured that the Spanish Government is working so that the protocol proposed by the Canary Government for the elimination of the Guatemalan Moth is approved in the European Union, so that the Canary Islands potato can be exported back to EU territory. Protocol which, in its day, was sent to the European Commission and whose approval is currently being negotiated.
The EU’s Banana Prices Observatory analyzes the impact of imports
On 29th March, the first working meeting of the Community Banana and Banana Price Observatory, held in the framework of the 4th Forum of the Outermost Regions (RUP), was held in Brussels. The objective of this meeting was to measure the specific impact of banana imports from third countries on the markets of European producer countries and, if necessary, to take measures aimed at ensuring the survival of the Community crop
Unica Group ups its green asparagus production with the integration of the European SCA
Unica Group, Spain's leading horticultural exporter, has increased its green asparagus production to 800 tonnes during this campaign, following the integration in the structure of the cooperative Gaditana Europeos that, in addition to the product, is also engaged in the production and marketing of cereal and extra virgin olive oil.
LA UNIÓ denounces the Generalitat and AICA bad practices of Alcampo and Dia in the sale of oranges
LA UNIÓ of Llauradors i Ramaders has asked the Generalitat's Directorate General for Trade and Consumption and the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA) to initiate an investigation on the prices they are applying in their citrus offerings the distribution chain Alcampo and Supermercados Dia, in case they could be incurring supposedly in practices contrary to some of the guiding principles of the Law of the Food chain.
Anecoop grew 10.7% in turnover in the last campaign
The turnover of the cooperative group Anecoop has grown 10.7% during the last campaign, reaching 639 million euros. It is the best exercise to date of this company not only in marketed value, but also in volume, which has experienced an increase of 4.8% to exceed 782,000 tonnes. In all, the consolidated of all the companies of the group amounts to 930,000 tons and 802 million euros.