Innovation, the Common Agricultural Policy and Europe focus the attention of Agroexpo 2018
The latest edition of the international fair of machinery and agriculture of Don Benito (Badajoz), Agroexpo, provides, from 24th to 27th January, the ideal showcase to show the full potential of Extremadura agriculture, a benchmark for innovation, growth and competitiveness. The Minister of Environment and Rural, Agrarian Policies and Territory, Begoña García Bernal, was in charge of inaugurating this new agricultural event that focuses on innovation, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Europe.

The agricultural activity can and should be erected as a solution to climate change
The agricultural activity is the origin of 11% of greenhouse gas emissions ... compared to 70% that represents energy activity ... Some figures that show that agriculture is not the main catalyst for climate change; In fact, it is one of the sectors most interested in reversing this process, since it is among the most affected by it. The Agricultural Forum "Agriculture and Climate Change", held on January 19 in Seville by the Cajasol Foundation has served as a debate framework for these and other issues, such as the importance that agricultural activity has traditionally had as a barrier against desertification of areas , with environmental crops such as the olive grove, or ecosystems such as the Dehesa, in which the hand of man has been determining for its conservation.

Sakata Seed introduces Gea, its new reference in broccoli
Sakata Seed Iberian has presented to the sector his last novelty in the catalog of cultivation of broccoli, Gea, in the course of a day of field celebrated the 17th of January in the Murcian town of Alhama.

Unique Group has ten healthy proposals for the PITA cafeteria menu
Unica Group has developed ten healthy dishes proposals for the cafeteria menu of the Technological Park of Almería (PITA), continuing in its line of promoting healthy habits, just as it did with the Healthy Hotel project. These are recipes based on the "Healthy Eating Plate" concept from Harvard University, consisting of a balance of macronutrients, real food that is not processed, fresh and, whenever possible, organic.

MAPAMA organizes a tour of the landscapes and flavors of Spain at FITUR
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment participates in the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) 2018, which takes place between January 17th and 21th at the IFEMA fairgrounds in Madrid. The Department has a stand of 360 square meters, located in Hall 9 of the fair, to publicize the wide possibilities offered by the conjunction of National Parks, Biosphere Reserves, Spanish cuisine and Natural Roads, through a tour of the Spanish geography, under the message "Travel through the landscapes and flavors of Spain".

The wine value of the DO Valdepeñas wines, present in FITUR 2018
The Valdepeñas Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) will be held at the International Tourism Fair of Spain (FITUR), whose next edition begins tomorrow and will continue until January 21st, two presentations with tastings of its wines, both at the stand of Castilla-La Mancha, as in the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPAMA).

The IV National Forum of Rural Development will put the accent on the professionalization of the agri-food sector
The next edition of the International Fair of Agricultural Machinery of Zaragoza (FIMA), which will be held on 19th, 20th and 21th February, will host the IV National Forum of Rural Development, organized by the Official College of Agricultural Engineers of Aragon, Navarra and the Basque Country and the National Rural Network, and co-financed through the EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development). The professionalization of the agrifood sector will be the main event in an event whose content is structured in three strategic areas: irrigation, precision agriculture and fertilization and plant protection.

HORTIESPAÑA prepares a program to promote greenhouse fruit and vegetable production in Europe
The Interprofessional Organization of Fruit and Vegetables of Spain HORTIESPAÑA, wants to continue with its work of defense of the greenhouse and make the jump to the European market to continue promoting and putting in value this system of culture, changing the negative image and the erroneous beliefs that have been settled in the minds of European consumers about winter products.

“5 a day” faces the final straight for its next General Assembly of Members and Professional Conference
A little less than two months before its celebration, on March 6th, the Association "5 a day" prepares for its General Assembly of Members and Professional Conference. The Annual General Membership Assembly, which this year celebrates its 20th edition and is held in the auditorium of the Mercamadrid Administrative Center, is the most important event of "5 a day", which has already been consolidated as a meeting point between the partners of this Association.

Todolivo: a visit to the ‘zone 0’ of the Xylella fastidiosa
Part of the technical team of the company from Córdoba, Todolivo, made a trip, along with IFAPA researcher Lorenzo León and doctoral student Alicia Serrano, last September to the region of Bari, where is located 'zone 0' of the Xylella fastidiosa . The objective, to know first hand its effects and the latest advances that are made in the fight against this bacterium.