Bayer and AVA-ASAJA organize the Sustainability Forum to analyze with the sector the challenges of the future of agriculture
In order to address in depth the sustainability in the agriculture sector and the challenges of the future, Bayer and the Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-ASAJA) organize the Sustainability Forum, which will take place next Tuesday May 29, 09:00 to 14:00, at the Hotel Las Arenas in Valencia

Timeline Trio® and Mirador Xtra®, news in the cereal days of GENVCE 2018
The National Center for Agricultural Training (CENCA) of San Fernando de Henares has hosted the VI edition of the Conference on Transfer and Innovation in Extensive Winter Crops organized by the Group for the Evaluation of New Varieties of Extensive Crops in Spain (GENVCE). A meeting point where farmers, students, cereal technicians and experts arrived from different parts of Spain and where, for the third year, ADAMA Agriculture Spain has been present to show the main solutions offered to professionals that are dedicated to the cultivation of winter cereal.

Cooperativas Agro-Alimentarias affirms that the new CAP hinders the single market
Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de España sees in the new national strategic plans for the application of the CAP a clear risk of renationalisation and an obstacle to the proper functioning of the single market. Nor does it see as good news that the Commission has once again avoided making market management proposals to alleviate price volatility and serious crises. However, there are good instruments, such as the possibility of extending the system of operational programs similar to those of fruits and vegetables to other sectors. However, the uncertainty and probable budget reduction will greatly limit its implementation.

Carlos Cabanas affirms that in the 2018 budgets the maximum efficiency of the available resources has been sought
The Secretary General of Agriculture and Food, Carlos Cabanas, has appeared today in the Committee on Budgets of the Senate, where he said that in the distribution of the budget of the General Secretariat for 2018, amounting to 7,463 million euros, with an increase of 1.39% with respect to the previous year, maximum efficiency has been sought in the application of the available funds.

The Spanish harvest of cereal will rise 45% in 2018, according to the cooperatives
The sectoral council of Cereals of Agro-alimentary Cooperatives of Spain has realized this week a first estimation of the harvest of cereals of 22,5 million tonnes, what supposes a 45,4% more with regard to the past campaign.

The president of FINUT reiterates the importance of dairy products on World Milk Day
Proteins are one of the pillars of nutrition. The body needs to be facilitated through food because it can not generate them by itself. The quantity to be supplied varies according to the needs of each organism. Children in the growth phase, pregnant women or athletes are among the groups with the greatest need for them, although they are also necessary in cases like our elders, since it is an essential element for a good general functioning of our organism, at any age and in any situation.

UPA presents to the Ministry its project to adapt the agricultural sector to climate change
Climate change is the main challenge facing the agricultural sector today. In the agrarian organization UPA are aware of this and that is why they are focusing all their efforts on helping farmers and ranchers to adapt their farms to this new situation and thus reduce their impact on the sector. These efforts are being channeled into a macroproject called InfoAdaptaAgri that will be presented to the Minister of Agriculture, Isabel García Tejerina, on June 6th. The act will be open to all interested persons, it is simply necessary to send an inscription in advance.

Fertinagro Biotech and the CSIC collaborate to respond to the challenge of sustainability from the bioeconomy
Fertinagro Biotech, a company that centralizes the R + D + i of the Térvalis Group, and the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) have signed today, Wednesday May 23, a general protocol of action for the development of scientific and technological research, of a multidisciplinary nature, in order to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and development in the field of the circular bioeconomy 2.0. with the purpose of generating added value to the productive processes, since it is done in a sustainable manner.

Fademur presents Ruraltivity, the launch of rural startups
Fademur has presented Ruraltivity, a tool to promote comprehensive, free and personalized, entrepreneurship projects in rural areas. With it, the organization fights against two evils that plague the rural environment: depopulation and aging. Women entrepreneurs from different towns in Spain have come to the event to explain first hand how "self-employment not only implies a future for entrepreneurs, it also means the survival of the peoples in which we live". The event concluded with the screening of a video that includes the difficulties to undertake in rural areas through the example of entrepreneurs from all over Spain.

Almería will host Infoagro Exhibition from May 22 to May 24, 2019
The intensive horticulture fair held at the Aguadulce Congress Center, Roquetas de Mar (Almeria), every two years, has already set the date for the celebration of its third edition: it will be held from May 22 to 24. 2019. A date in addition, is accompanied by numerous novelties.