Eca Fruits Magazine N.7 it is avaliable in its digital version and downloadable
It is already available in its digital version and downloadable in PDF editionN. 7 of the fruit Descarga aquí PDFand vegetable magazine eCA Fruits, edited by SIETE Agromarketing and eComercio Agrario.

Grupo AGF starts its 2019 campaign in Fruit Logística
Grupo AGF, a benchmark in the export of brand Fashion watermelon in Germany, will be present at the new edition of the most important international fruit and vegetable fair in Europe, Fruit Logistica, which takes place in Berlin from 6 to 8 February. It is on this date, when AGF group will kick off its campaign 2019, making the start and end of campaigns coincide with the most important fairs of the fruit and vegetable sector .

Olidetec, the new alert system and geolocation of crop thefts allows you to control it from your mobile
Can you imagine being able to control your crops from the mobile? Today it is a real thanks to Olidetec, a geolocation device that alerts the owner of the crops of the thefts and allows to geolocalize the fruits.

The Combined Agricultural Insurance Law turns 40 years
Law 87/1978, of December 28, Combined Agricultural Insurance, meets tomorrow 40 years. This law was the first approved after the entry into force of the Magna Carta, which also now celebrates its 40th anniversary, and is the result of the Pacts of the Moncloa and the political consensus that occurred during the years of the Transition. It was one of the pillars of the clear commitment to the transformation and modernization of the agri-food sector, one of the most powerful and exporting industries in Spain, a country that was a pioneer in the approval of such a standard.

IFEMA and FEPEX reaffirm their commitment to continue the joint organization of FRUIT ATTRACTION
IFEMA and FEPEX - Spanish Federation of Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers and Live Plants - have renewed the collaboration agreement to continue jointly organizing Fruit Attraction, International Fair of the Fruit and Vegetable Sector, within the framework of a meeting in which they have intervened the general director of IFEMA, Eduardo López-Puertas; the general director of FEPEX, José María Pozancos, and the director of Fruit Attraction, Raúl Calleja.

The 2018 edition consolidates DATAGRI as the reference forum in Spain for the promotion of digital transformation in the agri-food sector
The European Union will invest in "digital agricultural integration platforms" to accelerate the process of digital transformation of the sector. This was announced by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan, during the opening ceremony of # DATAGRI2018.

Spain will request the European Commission to maintain a comprehensive surveillance of agricultural markets
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has chaired today the Agricultural Policy Advisory Council, where he discussed with the Councilors of Agriculture of the autonomous communities the issues that will be discussed in the Council of Ministers of the European Union from next November 19.

Fruit Attraction 2018 beats records and strengthens as one of the main world events in the fruit and vegetable sector
Fruit Attraction 2018 has closed the doors of its 10th edition with the participation of 81,235 professionals from 122 countries, representing a growth of 19% over the previous year. This call has been decisive for the industry as a whole due to its ability to bring together the production and distribution channel for fruit and vegetables. The Fair is thus confirmed as a fundamental instrument for the internationalization of the sector, a meeting point for all professionals they integrate the entire supply chain and innovation framework of the fruit and vegetable market. Organized by IFEMA and FEPEX, Fruit Attraction 2018, which was held from October 23 to 25, presented the largest and most competa of all its editions with the participation of 1,621 companies from 40 countries, and an occupation of 51,400 net square meters of supply sector - 15% more than the last call.

The struggle for the empowerment and equality of a key figure continues, rural women
The World Day of Rural Women is celebrated on October 15th. The United Nations Assembly established this commemorative date one day after the celebration of World Food Day.

The Council of Ministers regulates subsidies to promote entrepreneurship and the participation of rural women
The Council of Ministers has approved, at the proposal of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, a royal decree establishing the regulatory bases for the granting of grants to entities of rural women at the national level, to boost the role of women in rural development for the call for 2018.