Upa: “In the countryside there are many victims that could be avoided”
The prevention of occupational risks, accidents at work and occupational diseases is still a pending issue in the Spanish primary sector. UPA concludes its biggest awareness campaign on prevention in the field with funding from the State Foundation for the Prevention of Occupational Risks, F.S.P.

How to minimize the effects of Brexit for fruit and vegetable exports
The president of Eucofel, Juan Marín, has defended before the European Economic and Social Committee, agricultural production, the threat of brexit, and what measures should be applied to minimize the effects.

UK IPL checks out Planasa’s berries for Asda supermarkets
A group of representatives from the UK company International Procurement & Logistics (IPL) has visited Planasa’s R&D facilities in Huelva (Spain) to see the upcoming berries for Asda supermarkets.

Macfrut 2019, Italy looks abroad
More than 1,500 invited buyers from around the world and an online platform to facilitate the meeting between supply and demand in Rimini, from May 8 to 10. This is Macfrut 2019, where the horticultural product becomes international.

The Gourmet Hall begins with the visit of Minister Planas
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, will attend this International Fair, today where the Ministry will announce the quality and variety of our food.

“The agri-food sector must build alliances that strengthen all the links in the chain”
More than 100 people have met at the Chamber of Commerce of Seville in the Breakfast Tertulia BusinessAGRO to discuss the Value Chain and price formation.

Luis Planas claims a strong citrus interprofessional
Minister Luis Planas has visited the company SAT Guadex, where…

The modernization of irrigation, key to the future of agriculture
Minister Luis Planas considers it necessary to bet on new technologies,…

Bayer, the company that whispers tomatoes
On the occasion of the celebration of its 120th anniversary, Bayer has opened the doors of its Cellular Biology Research Center of San Nicolás (Almería), specialized among other horticultural crops, in tomato.

Jorge Brotons begins his third term as president of FEPEX
The FEPEX Assembly has re-elected Jorge Brotons as president for the third time in a row, and approves the 2019 Plan of Action.