Good expectations for the new nugget fruit campaign
In general, flowering and fruit set problems, late frosts, hailstorms and June purges, caused by the high temperature, have caused this decline in European harvest forecasts.

The Spanish harvest of Apple will increase this year by 14% and that of Pera by 4%
Apple production in Spain will be 13.87% higher this year than last season, while Pera also increases, but in a more modest figure, + 4.33%. Frosts in the main production areas have been very localized and, in general, the fruit has had a correct evolution, with a good flowering.

AVA-ASAJA demands a strategic plan against agricultural losses in Valencia
AVA-ASAJA demands a strategic plan in the short, medium and long term in support of the Valencian countryside - aimed at all administrations: both the new government teams invested in the municipalities of the Valencian Community.

Hispatec shows Berries Mexican producers its Agricultural Software
Hispatec had its own stand in the ninth edition of the International Aneberries Congress, which focused on internationalization, social responsibility and sustainability

Planas analyzes Mercasa’s strategic plan for the next five years
The acting Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, met Thursday with the president of Mercasa, José Ramón Sempere, with whom he has analyzed the new strategic plan of this company to facilitate the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations in the commercial chain of fresh food.

“Olive Oil Makes a Tastier World” encourages sales of olive oils in the US
Sales of Olive Oils from Spain in the US exceed 28,500 tons in the first quarter of 2019 and strengthens its leadership with 38% of total imports.

Specialty joins the Agrievolution international summit
The VII edition of the international summit is held on October 1 and 2, in Madrid and Turís (Valencia) respectively.

The EC examines the proposal for self-regulation of olive oil
After weeks of intense work, developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Agro-food Cooperatives of Spain defended this Thursday in Brussels the proposal of self-regulation of the olive oil sector before the Directorates General of Agriculture and Competition of The European Commission

Olive oil production will fall more than 40% next season
Cooperatives Agro-alimentary of Spain estimates a reduction of more than 40% in the production of olive oil for the next campaign. Andalucía and Castilla La Mancha lead the decline, which in the case of the latter region, could be up to 60%.

The risk of bringing plants and fruits from other countries
The objective is to warn about pests that can be introduced with vegetables acquired during the holidays and that can harm agriculture.