Direct seeders, innovation and leadership for the Sembradoras GIL
The company GIL is the leader in Spain in the sale of direct sowing drills: the key to its success lies in the versatility of all its machinery, adapting to different types of soil and seeds and the proximity and direct service to farmers.
We are pioneers in the management of protected varieties and in constant evolution”
Currently CVVP manages seven protected varieties, doing essential work for breeders and licensees.
The flavor regains its prominence with the new varieties of stone fruit
Viveros Hernandorena opens the doors of its Experimentation Center to show the varieties of PSB, where flavor is the protagonist.
AlgaEnergy Hires National Leadership for the United States and Mexico
AlgaEnergy adds two new additions to its international team to lead its business in the United States and Mexico.
Production of Kissabel apples increases in the Southern Hemisphere
Australia and Chile already have good quality harvests of the “red inside” apple varieties, while New Zealand and Argentina report promising results.
The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) grants protection for the Summer Prim lemon
The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) has just granted protection to the Summer Prim lemon, a protection that extends throughout the entire territory of the Union until 2050.
Global quality and speed in the supply of almond plants, advantages of V. Hernandorena
The almond is one crop where Viveros Hernandorena is a specialist.
Joint call for extraordinary and urgent support to the European Flower & Live Plants Sector
The sector has sent a letter to the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Janusz Wojciechowski with a series of urgent measures
The Value of European Agriculture
Statement by Juan Marín, President of the European Fruit and Vegetable Association (FruitVegetablesEUROPE) on the global crisis produced by COVID-19.
The JVS seed join incorporates new entities
Two new breeding specialists, Matsui and Nanto, have joined JVS Japan Vegetable Seeds, the joint venture established in 2017 by Nippon Norin Seed Co. Ltd, Kurume Vegetable Breeding Co. Ltd and Mitsui & Co. Ltd.