A cereal campaign marked by climatology
Opinion article written for ECA in which the general secretary of the Association of Grain and Oilseeds in Spain (ACCOE), José Manuel Álvarez, makes an assessment of the current cereal campaign.

Giropoma Costa Brava S.L. accounts for a production close to 30,000 tons of apple protected by the PGI Manzana de Girona
The company Giropoma Costa Brava S.L. has accounted for this season an apple production protected by the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Manzana de Girona near 30,000 tons, and will be kept entirely in the facilities that this company has in Ullà (Girona). The varieties that are being collected and which are included in the IGP are Royal Gala, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious and Granny Smith. Fuji will be the next variety in being recolected and the harvest will finish with the Cripps Pink variety, which is marketed under the Pink Lady brand.

The IGP Purple Garlic of Las Pedroñeras, protagonist in the XXXIII Week of the Heart of Madrid
The IGP Purple Garlic of Las Pedroñeras has carried out several cardiosaludable workshops within the framework of the XXXIII Heart Week in Madrid, which took place from September 27th to October 1st, by the Spanish Heart Foundation and Spanish Society of Cardiology.

More than 600 professionals will meet at the 5th Congress of Andalusian agro-food cooperatives in Jaén
More than 600 professionals, from the Andalusian Autonomous Community and the national level, will attend the 5th Congress that Agro-food Cooperatives of Andalusia will celebrate the 4th and 5th of October, in the fairgrounds of the capital of Jaen (IFEJA).

Tejerina highlights the commitment of the Fira Agraria de Sant Miquel for precision farming
The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Isabel García Tejerina, inaugurated the 63rd edition of the Feria Agraria de Sant Miquel and the 32nd edition of Eurofruit, highlighting the fair's commitment to precision agriculture, whose clearest example is the use of drones. She also congratulated the organization for the record number of exhibitors, occupied area and foreign countries participating in this last edition. In the words of García Tejerina, "we are in an interconnected and interdependent Europe" and pointed out that "thanks to joint agrarian policies, the European Union has become the world's leading exporter of agri-food products and that Spain's agri-food industry is the fourth European power and the world's eighth".